Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What Is Hacktivism? 2.0
by metac0m (December 2003)
Copyleft © The 2000-2004. All
Rights Reversed.
Hacktivism is the fusion of hacking and activism; politics
and technology. More specifically, hacktivism is described
as hacking for a political cause. In this context, the term
hacker is used in reference to its original meaning. As
defined in the New Hacker's Dictionary, a hacker is "a
person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable
systems and how to stretch their capabilities" and one
who is capable of "creatively overcoming or circumventing
limitations". (1) Activism is defined as "a policy of taking
direct and militant action to achieve a political or social
goal". (2) Therefore, a clinical definition of hacktivism is:
Hacktivism: a policy of hacking, phreaking
or creating technology to achieve a political
or social goal.(3)
However, both hacking and activism, and thus hacktivism,
are loaded words ripe for a variety of interpretation.
Therefore it is preferable not to clinically define
hacktivism but rather to describe the spirit of hacktivism.
Hacktivism is root. It is the use of one's collective or
individual ingenuity to circumvent limitations, to hack
clever solutions to complex problems using computer and
Internet technology. Hacktivism is a continually evolving
and open process; its tactics and methodology are not
static. In this sense no one owns hacktivism - it has no
prophet, no gospel and no canonized literature.
Hacktivism is a rhizomic, open-source phenomenon.
In the Beginning...
Since hacktivism is a recombinant initiative comprised of
two divergent communities (hackers and activists) it is
necessary to understand their respective backgrounds in
order to analyze this historic merger and to examine its
challenges and future capabilities. "Hacker" was originally
a term that encapsulated an individual's deep
understanding of computer systems and networks and the
ability to invent, modify, and refine such systems. It is a
recombinant attitude that promotes problem solving and
creative instinct for it does not limit one's options to the
possible. Hacking thrives in an environment in which
information is freely accessible. The hacker ethic
formulated by Steven Levy in his 1984 book "Hackers:
Heroes of the Computer Revolution" outlines the hacker
1. Access to computers should be unlimited and
2. All information should be free.
3. Mistrust authority - promote decentralization.
4. Hackers should be judged by their hacking not
bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race, or
5. You create art and beauty on a computer.
6. Computers can change your life for the better.
The GNU/Linux operating system evolved from this hacker
ethic. As fellow hackers from the MIT AI lab were lured into
commercial ventures Richard Stallman became
increasingly concerned about the decay of the hacker
community and the increasing control being exerted over
proprietary code. Stallman decided to create a free
operating system modeled after the proprietary UNIX
system.(5) Linus Torvalds began development on a kernel
and released the initial source code for his kernel, named
Linux.(6) Together the work of Stallman and Linus form the
GNU/Linux operating system. This software is released under
the General Public License (GPL), which is known as
"copyleft" as opposed to copyright. The GPL allows users to
modify and copy the software as long as they make the
source freely available to others.(7) There is now a vibrant
global, open source community that thrives based on the
free flow, and sharing of information.
Hackers abhor censorship. Censorship is often seen as a
human rights violation, especially when it is combined with a
repressive, governing regime. In addition, hackers mistrust
restrictive legislation that encroaches on free access to
information and cherished electronic privacy. Thus a natural
aversion to repressive governments and predatory, private
institutions has developed. In Phrack magazine, Dr. Crash
explains that computer technology is being misused not by
hackers but by governments and corporations:
The wonderful device meant to enrich life has
become a weapon which dehumanizes people.
To the government and large businesses,
people are no more than disk space, and the
government doesn't use computers to arrange
aid for the poor, but to control nuclear death
weapons. (8)
This sentiment is not an isolated rant. There is definitely a
trend within hacker culture that not only focuses on
technical aspects of computing but political aspects as well.
In the "Hacker's Manifesto" the ment0r explains:
We make use of a service already existing
without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if
it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you
call us criminals. We explore... and you call us
criminals. We seek after knowledge... and you
call us criminals. We exist without skin color,
without nationality, without religious bias...
and you call us criminals. You build atomic
bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat,
and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for
our own good, yet we're the criminals. (9)
There is an antagonism between government/corporate
restrictions and domination of computer technology and
hackers who want to ensure free access to information, to
circumvent censorship, and to prevent monopoly control of
Activists recognized the benefits of integrating activism and
computer/Internet technology relatively quickly. The new
open architecture technology of the Internet played a
complementary and beneficial role that fit perfectly with
existing, decentralized, activist networks. In fact,
computerized activism was already taking place before the
birth of the WWWeb. Stephan Wray notes that the creation
of PeaceNet, a text-based newsgroup service, in 1986
allowed "political activists to communicate with one another
across international borders with relative ease and speed."
(10) This has allowed activists with little or no technical skills
to utilize the benefits of digital communications. The Internet
allows for the convergence of meetings, debates, and
research in one convenient and fast medium that greatly
enhances not only activists’ organizational capabilities but
also the ability of activists to react to a constantly changing
world in a timely manner. In order to educate the public and
promote causes and campaigns, activist organizations have
utilized the Internet and established an accessible,
updateable, interactive, and international presence that
previously would have been difficult if not nearly
impossible to maintain.
Applied Hacktivism
Hacktivism is the fusion of the evolution of computer
activism with the politicization of the hackers. The
evolutionary progress of both communities has put them
in a position where they can compliment each other
because they face the same techno-political opposition:
the repressive use of laws and technologies by private
corporations and governments to increasingly monitor and
control the Internet. The emergence of techno-politics has
emboldened each community and provides a conduit for
electronic activism. Oxblood Ruffin of the cDc explains:
Hacktivism forges conscience with
technology and girds us against the
disagreeable nature of conflict. It allows us
to mount better arguments, rally unseen
allies, and take on any tyranny. (11)
The actualization of politicized hacking has taken a variety
of forms ranging from electronic civil disobedience to
circumventing limitations through technology
development and implementation. However, there is
major objection to and contestation of the motivation and
methodology of activities that are often described as
hacktivism. As with the hacker/cracker dichotomy many
distinguish between hacktivism and "cracktivism". The
former is used to describe politically motivated hacking
that is constructive and the latter disruptive. Cracking is
defined as "the act of breaking into a computer system"
(12) and when such acts are carried out for an explicit
political purpose they are often described as hacktivism.
But hacktivism is fluid and its focus and expression has
evolved over time. To avoid "definition confusion", it is
better to analyze specific situations contextually and
examine the goals, methods, results. Events often
described as hacktivism have been classified as: cracking
(including defacement and denial of service), virtual sitins,
and technology development.
Unauthorized access, defacement and DoS comprise
"cracktivism" and should be examined with particular
scrutiny since instances of unauthorized access and
network disruption are prominently featured in the current
sensationalized media climate. Such attacks are often
labeled by the media as "hacktivism" despite there being
a clear lack of political significance and little if any
creative, technological proficiency involved in the attack.
Moreover, they are labeled as such despite the fact that
the perpetrators themselves, along with the hacktivist
community, rarely describe such events as hacktivism. In
1998 there were several targeted events in which
computer intrusion and defacement was used to protest
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay (BARC) in a
protest against nuclear weapons tests.
Milw0rm broke into computer systems at India's
firewalls in order to allow China's Internet users
uncensored access to the Internet.
LoU members Bronc Buster and Zyklon disabled
Ministry and Health Ministry to protest the government
of President Ernesto Zedillo and to show solidarity with
the Zapatista rebellion.
X-Ploit defaced the websites of Mexico's Finance
messages calling for full autonomy for East Timor.
Defacement, despite being the most commonly cited
hacktivist tactic in the media, is not considered hacktivism
just because of some vague message that, when interpreted
as political, suddenly makes a defacement hacktivism
instead of just another defacement. Hacktivism must have a
level of intentionally that the overwhelming majority of
defacements don't have. A defacement itself is not
hacktivism. Kevin Poulsen distinguishes between vandalism
and hacktivism:
Vandalism is malicious destruction or damage,
not artful and subversive tampering. The proof
for protest is in the quality of the work, the
clarity of the message, and the motives
behind it. (13)
When random websites are defaced – websites that have no
connection to the supposed issue of protest – it is not
hacktivism. Defacements began to drastically increase in
2000 dues to general lax security and the dissemination of
exploits for Microsoft IIS server, most notably the Unicode
Directory Traversal Vulnerability which allowed defacements
to be conducted through a web browser – as easily as you
would visit a URL (14). This resulted in a focus on apolitical
high profile defacements leaving defacement as a method to
attract attention to a political cause and as a mechanism of
protest overshadowed and spent.
Although some politically motivated defacements do
continue to take place they are considered an anachronism
by many hacktivists and fail to affect political change or
even draw attention to a political cause. Unlike the
defacements of 1998, contemporary "political" defacements
are often the result of ongoing feuds between defacement
groups. Embedded within a nationalist discourse, the taunts
between opposing defacers are interpreted as politically
motivated "cyberwars" and enflamed by sensationalist
media reporting. In a widely cited example that occurred in
2001, a "cyberwar" erupted after a U.S. spy plane was shot
down in China. However, as discovered, it was
more a case of "self-fulfilling prophecy" – defacers who had
not shown any political motivations suddenly became
political only after the media interpreted their defacements
as political. Instead of being a "cyberwar",
describes the event as "the collective dick-waving of a
bunch of script-kidiots fueled by so-called journalists
generating media hype - the former trying to feed their egos
and the latter to feed their hit counts." (15)
It has been suggested that viruses and worms are used by
hacktivists to promote political messages. The only well
documented event occurred in 1989 when a political worm
known as WANK targeted the HEPnet and the NASA SPAN
networks to protest the development of nuclear weapons
(16). There have been few politically motivated viruses and
worms since WANK. The few which have been identified as
political include:
Kaotik Team defaced 45 Indonesian Websites to include
describing the burning down of two mosques and
one hundred Muslim-owned shops in Mawanella.
Mawanella : A virus that appeared in 2001
the killing of 12 year old Palestinian child
Mohammad Al-Durra.
Injustice: A worm that appeared in 2001 protesting
whether America should go to war.
Vote-A: A 2001 worm that calls for a vote on
service attack on a Pakistani government's
It is important to note that the anti-virus form Symantec
current has a growing database of over 65000 viruses and
worms of which few contain any content that could be
interpreted as political. However, the self-serving interests
of security firms have led them into exaggerating the
existence of political viruses and worms. For example, the
text of the Yaha-E worm is simply several lines of
misspelled taunts directed at a rival defacement group – a
message that is hardly political. The fact is that viruses
and worms are infrequently associated with political
purposes. The development and use viruses or worms is
not broadly accepted within the hacktivist community – in
fact most oppose it.
Electronic Civil Disobedience (ECD) is a legitimate form of
non-violent, direct action utilized in order to bring
pressure on institutions engaged in unethical or criminal
actions. Within the electronic environment, ECD aims to
disrupt the operation of information and capital flows of
carefully selected target sites without causing serious
damage. Currently based on, but not limited to, the
tactical use of blockade and trespass, ECD acts as a
mechanism through which "the value system of the state
(to which information is of higher value than the
individual) is inverted, placing information back in the
service of people rather than using it to benefit
institutions." (17) The actualization of ECD in this regard
has been an attempt to blockade electronic targets
through mass participation. Stefan Wray explains:
In early 1998 a small group calling
themselves the Electronic Disturbance
Theater had been watching other people
experimenting with early forms of virtual sitins.
The group then created software called
FloodNet and on a number of occasions has
invited mass participation in its virtual sitins
against the Mexican government. EDT
members Carmin Karasic and Brett
Stalbaum created FloodNet to direct a
"symbolic gesture" against an opponent's
web site. FloodNet is a Web-based Java
applet that repeatedly sends browser reload
commands. In theory, when enough EDT
participants are simultaneously pointing the
FloodNet URL toward an opponent site, a
critical mass prevents further entry.
Actually, this has been rarely attained.
Given this, perhaps FloodNet's power lies
more in the simulated threat. (18)
It should be noted that a Mexican organization, Ame La
Paz, while supportive of the concept issued a statement
critical of the EDT’s action:
We also think your Electronic Civil
Disobedience on April is a brilliant,
intelligent and well-planned proposal, but it
is unnecessary and dangerous. (19)
Ame La Paz stated that not only had the EDT failed to
consult with Mexican organizations they also did not consult
with the Zapatistas. Furthermore, Ame La Paz suggested
that such actions may lead to increasing confrontation and
the escalation of hostilities in cyberspace. There have been
other such critiques of electronic civil disobedience from
within the activist community. (20)
The etoy story of 1999/2000 is a tale starring the European
art collective and Internet toy giant
etoy is a dynamic artwork that "uses the corporate structure
to maximize cultural value" in order to explore the problems
of globalization. (21) After etoy turned down an offer by
eToys to buy the domain name, eToys sought and
won a temporary court injunction denying etoy the use of
the domain despite the fact that had
been registered before the eToys Corporation had even
existed. The reasoning was that was confusingly
similar to Not content to quit, supporters of etoy,
most notably RTMark began a campaign, a toy war,
designed not only to diminish the value of eToys stock to
create a precedent that "would force e-commerce
companies in the future to think twice about censorship for
financial profit." (22)
A Virtual Sit-In was organized to span the prime shopping
days of Dec. 15-25 and publicity campaigns targeted eToys
investment boards all of which had an impact on the stock
price of eToys. In fact the stock began to drop the day the
protests began. eToys eventually drop their claim and etoy
regained control of the domain with eToys picking
up the legal costs. (23)
Another major ECD action, one which introduced the concept
of synchronized electronic and street based protest, was
initiated by the electrohippies collective to coincide with the
1999 street demonstrations in Seattle, Washington against
the meeting of the World Trade Organization. They argue
that by coordinating street and Internet based protest the
interests of the public are furthered. The web, they argue, is
not separate from the street:
Therefore, we must find mechanisms for
lobbying and protest in cyberspace to
complement those normally used in real life.
Without public pressure cyberspace will have
no moral or normative controls to control the
excesses of politicians, groups or corporations
who would seek to dominate that public space.
The action was conducted "To provide a mechanism for
ordinary people, who cannot get to Seattle, to register a
protest that may have the impact equivalent to actually
being there in person" (25) by slowing or blocking access to
the WTO's servers.
Yaha-E: A 2002 worm that attempts a denial of
government's escalating war against the Zapatistas
and other indigenous people in Chiapas.
1998 Mexico: Protest against the Mexican
Trade organization in conjunction with massive
street protests in Seattle.
1999 WTO: Protest against the policies of the World
profit after the usurping of the etoy domain name.
99/00 etoy: Protest against censorship for financial
policies in conjunction with street based protests in
2000 Worldbank: Protest against World Bank
agreement in conjunction with street based
protests in Quebec City.
2001 FTAA: Protest against the proposed FTAA
and the World Economic Forum.
The virtual sit-in, or client-side DDOS, differs from serverside
DDOS since "client-side distributed actions require
the efforts of real people, taking part in their thousands
simultaneously" while the latter requires the cracking of
computers to use as zombies in an automated DDOS
attack.’s Brian Martin explains server-side
Prior to launching this form of DDoS flood,
the attacker must first compromise various
hosts on different networks. The more
networks and machines used as launch
points, the more potent the attack. Once
each host had been broken into, they would
install a DDoS client program on the
machine that would sit ready to attack.
Once the network of compromised servers
was configured with the new client program,
the attacker could send a quick command
from the DDoS server software triggering
each machine to launch an attack. (26)
Others within the hacker/hacktivist fervently oppose the
tactic of the virtual sit-in suggesting that there is no
difference between a virtual sit-in and a DDOS attack. In a
response to the electrohippies, Oxblood Ruffin of
cDc/Hacktivismo explains:
Denial of Service, is Denial of Service, is
Denial of Service, period. The only
difference between a program like
Stacheldraht [a DDoS application written by
The Mixter] and the client side javascript
program written by the Electrohippies is the
difference between blowing something up
and being pecked to death by a duck. (27)
Hacktivism is not strictly the importation of activist
techniques into the digital realm. Rather it is the
expression of hacker skills in the form of electronic direct
action. It acknowledges that neither the tactics nor the
objectives of hacktivism are static. Rather, they must
continually evolve in order to be effective. Thus a
distinction is made between hackers engaged in activism
and activists attempting utilize the technical aspects of
hacking to mimic and rationalize traditional forms of
activism. This sentiment is summed up by Oxblood Ruffin
of cDc/Hacktivismo:
Hacktivism is about using more eloquent
arguments - whether of code or words - to
construct a more perfect system. One does
not become a hacktivist merely by inserting
an "h" in front of the word activist or by
looking backward to paradigms associated
with industrial organization. (28)
Disruption (whether by computer break-ins, defacement
or denial of service), in this regard, is not viable option. In
fact it is condemned. Oxblood explains:
Many on-line activists claim to be hacktivists,
but their tactics are often at odds with what
we consider hacktivism to be. From the cDc's
perspective, creation is good; destruction is
bad. Hackers should promote the free flow of
information, and causing anything to disrupt,
prevent, or retard that flow is improper. For
instance, cDc does not consider Web
defacements or Denial of Service (DoS)
attacks to be legitimate hacktivist actions. The
former is nothing more than hi-tech
vandalism, and the latter, an assault on free
speech. (29)
Instead, it is argued that the focus of hacktivism should be
shifted from electronic disruption to problem solution.
Oxblood Ruffin explains:
Hacktivism is an open-source implosion. It
takes the best of hacking culture, and the
imperatives of the quantum community, and
fuses a solution. (30)
Hacktivismo chooses to re-define hacktivism as "using
technology to advance human rights through electronic
media."(31) Re-focusing on the initial hacker ethic,
hacktivists seek creative solutions that circumvent
limitations in code. If, as Lawrence Lessig suggests, "code is
law" (32) then code itself is the primary location of struggle.
Despite being heralded as a democratizing technology by
virtue of its decentralized, open-architecture design the
Internet is increasingly coming under pressure by
institutions, governments and corporations that seek to own
and control it. The increasing penetration of draconian
cyberlaw – including anti-(cyber)terrorism provisions as well
as intellectual property law – combined with technological
measures that restrict freedom of speech and expression
online threaten the Internet both as a communications
medium and as a means of activism.
Some hackers have been challenging restrictions to free
speech and fair use rights in the courts. 2600 Magazine has
been taken to court several times over such issues, most
notably the DeCSS case. In Nov. 1999 Masters of Reverse
Engineering (MoRE) released DeCSS, a program that allowed
users to make copies of copy-protected DVD's. MoRE
member Jon Johansen claimed they had released the code so
that users could play DVD's on the Linux operating system.
2600 Magazine was sued by the MPAA for publishing the
DeCSS source code. (33) Although 2600 decided not to
appeal a ruling against them in the U.S. (34) Jon Johansen
won his court case in Norway and has since released an
open source utility that dumps the contents of a Quicktime
stream drawing attention to fair use rights. (35)
Increasingly, activists and hacktivists are being criminalized
and labeled as terrorists. Users, activists, and hackers alike
face censorship and surveillance on the Internet. Thus
hacktivists have begun to develop technologies aimed at
empowering Internet users and activists with security and
privacy enhancing tools. There are numerous ongoing
hacktivist projects to develop technologies that would
enable activists, citizens and civil society networks to secure
themselves against, or work around, Internet censorship and
surveillance. The scope of these technologies ranges from
small, simple scripts and programs to highly developed
peer-to-peer network protocols, and stegonography tools.
The new collaborative hacktivist community
aims to bring together hackers and activists in an open
source collaborative software development environment in
order to facilitate the continued development of hacktivist
Oscillating between creation and confrontation hacktivism
is returning to its hacker roots. True to the hacker
definition of "circumventing limitations" hacktivists have
always focused on technology development, with a
particular focus on ensuring freedom of speech on the
Internet, although this aspect has often been ignored by
the media and academics. Hacktivism is not simple
pranksterism, nor is it malicious or destructive. It is not
synonymous with defacements and DoS attacks.
Hacktivism is a form of electronic direct action in which
creative and critical thinking is fused with programming
skill and code creating a new mechanism to achieve social
and political change. Hacktivists are committed to
securing the Internet as a platform of free speech and
expression. This ensures that the Internet remains a
medium for activism and an environment that facilitates
the free flow of information.
What is Hacktivism? 1.0 can be found at:
2002 WEF: Protest against corporate globalization
3. This definition appeared on the CULT OF THE DEAD COW’s now defunct
website which is archived here:

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