Monday, December 27, 2010
Hollywood and the War Machine/Click the link to watch video/Notice also the Julian Assange interview to the right.....

War is hell, but for Hollywood it has been a Godsend, providing the perfect dramatic setting against which courageous heroes win the hearts and minds of the movie going public.
The Pentagon recognises the power of these celluloid dreams and encourages Hollywood to create heroic myths; to rewrite history to suit its own strategy and as a recruiting tool to provide a steady flow of willing young patriots for its wars.

Hollywood  Video Icon
 The Pentagon calls the shotsProducer: Diana Ferraro
 Hollywood: Chronicler of the warProducer: Tim Tate 

What does Hollywood get out of this 'deal with the devil'? Access to billions of dollars worth of military kit, from helicopters to aircraft carriers, enabling filmmakers to make bigger and more spectacular battle scenes, which in turn generate more box office revenue. Providing they accept the Pentagon's advice, even toe the party line and show the US military in a positive light.
So is it a case of art imitating life, or a sinister force using art to influence life and death - and the public perception of both?
Empire will examine Hollywood, the Pentagon, and war.
Joining us as guests: Oliver Stone, the eight times Academy Award-winning filmmaker; Michael Moore, the Academy Award-winning filmmaker; and Christopher Hedges, an author and the former Middle East bureau chief of the New York Times.
Our interviewees this week are: Phil Strub, US Department of Defense Film Liaison Unit; Julian Barnes, Pentagon correspondent, LA Times; David Robb, the author of  Operation Hollywood; Prof Klaus Dodds, the author of Screening Terror; Matthew Alford, the author of Reel Power; Prof Melani McAlister, the author of Culture, Media, and US Interests in the Middle East.
This episode of Empire can be seen from Wednesday, December 22 at the follwing times GMT: Wednesday: 1900; Thursday: 1400; Friday: 0300; Saturday: 1900.

Christmas past and present


The history of Christmas Day and the celebrations around the world is very much a case of before, during and after....what? Good question. For a start Christ was not born in the year zero, neither did Christmas start with Christ. And Father Christmas? Yes, he did exist and he's Russian...

42855.jpegThink about it. In the northern hemisphere it makes sense to have a festive season around now. After all, the agricultural year died on November 1, after its death was announced by the bad spirits on Hallowe'en (the evening before the halos = Saints) on October 31. This was the first of the many Festivals of Light held in agricultural villages throughout the winter season, bringing people together, sharing resources and thus regulating the community.
It is also the time when the weather is colder, so it makes sense to slaughter and hang up the fattened pig, it is cold enough to wash the intestines in the river, cut up and season the meat for the sausages without interference from flies and it makes sense to use the chimney to smoke the sausages and salted hams. It also made sense to slaughter the animals at a time when there was less for them to eat. It was a time when salt played an important part in the family's survival (hence the word salary, part of the wage being paid in salt) to place the rest of the dismembered pig in layers in a chest full of salt.
Apart from the weather, it is also the time when the new wine and beer is ready for consumption after fermentation, so it all comes together. The need to preserve the community during the inclement weather, the need to preserve the food for the forthcoming year, and a reduced workload outside in the fields.

Therefore it comes as no surprise to learn that thousands of years ago, people were celebrating the Winter Solstice (the shortest day on December 21). Yule (from the Celtic word hweol, wheel, indicating a change of seasons) was a 12-day festival celebrated from December 21, when large logs were lit in the center of the village and the people would feast until the fire died out (usually after twelve days). They would hit the logs with sticks and the sparks that flew out represented the cattle that would be born the next year.
When the Roman civilization spread throughout Europe, forming the first European Union (yes, it disintegrated), the Roman festival Saturnalia, in honour of the God Saturn, the God of Agriculture, was celebrated, this beginning the week before December 21 and lasting for a month, again a time of eating and drinking for the same reasons.
New Year was not celebrated at this time, however. It was a period of darkness when agricultural activities were at a minimum and during which agricultural societies had to regulate themselves, coming together at regular intervals to check on how things were going. New Year was a fertility festival celebrated during the planting season, the resurrection of new life (Easter, after the Pagan Goddess of Fertility, Eostre), Carnival (Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras) being a transition festival between the Festivals of Light in the winter and the forthcoming sowing and planting season.
Curiously, the sign of the "cuckold", or "evil eye", also used by Heavy Metal fans, the "Devil's sign", where the indicator and little fingers are raised from a clenched fist to indicate that the person to whom it is being shown is a cuckold, arises from these ancient fertility festivals. It was not an insult at all. The fingers represented the first and last quarters of the Moon (the waxing and waning quarters) when it was believed the females were more fertile, phases which dictated agricultural practices, such as planting and sowing on the first (growing) quarter and pruning/cutting on the last (waning) quarter.
Now we come to the birth of Jesus (real name Yehosua in Hebrew or Yesua in Hebrew-Aramaic, meaning Yahweh delivers, or rescues) Christ (from the Greek Kristos, the anointed by God). It was not in the year zero. If King Herod of Judea had ordered the slaughter of males two years old and younger, alerted by the Wise Men (Magi) that a Messiah (leader of the Jewish people) had been born, and if King Herod died shortly after the lunar eclipse of March 13, 4BC, then the earliest Jesus could have been born was 4 BC.
As for the Wise Men and the Star of Bethlehem, it is quite possible that there were more than three and they were not kings, but Zoroastrian astronomers from Persia, who spent their lives studying and interpreting the stars and who would have taken any sign from the Heavens very seriously. There are a number of contenders for the Star, namely Halley's Comet (12 BC), another unnamed comet in 5BC, the conjunctions between Jupiter and Regulus between 3BC and 2 BC and Jupiter and Venus on June 17, 2BC. However, Herod was by then dead.
It was the Wise Men who told Herod that they had seen a sign, which they interpreted as the advent of a Messiah. Whatever happened back then had to survive centuries of indoctrination from the Catholic Church, and since the early Christian Church was afraid that astronomy and astrology was a threat, it would have made sense to transform he "magi" (astronomers) into "Kings" and probably reduce a group of twenty or thirty to three, giving them names ad mentioning the gifts they brought to Jesus to justify the story.
If Jesus himself was giving lessons in the Temples when he was a small boy, it would appear that he was no poor son of a simple carpenter, specially since the Gospels of Matthew and Luke both trace his lineage back to King David. His trade, "tekton" in Greek, means simply "craftsman", be this of stone or wood or metal, and "carpenter" may have meant a simple artisan or the owner of a business empire importing or exporting construction materials from the entire region - certainly wood would have been the most valuable of commodities at the time. Whether or not he was the father of Jesus is unclear; one version states that Mary became pregnant while they were engaged and he married her anyway, despite knowing the child was not his. His being a simple carpenter does not explain how Mary later in life had a house in what is Turkey today.
Early Christianity implanted itself in Pagan areas through a fusion of symbology. For example, the Pagan tradition of worshipping the fir tree was transformed into the Christmas tree representing the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost; the Pagan Winter Festivals were then tailored by the early Church to represent the Festival of the Nativity (hence the Nativity Scene). Pope Saint Julius I (Pope from February 6, 337 to April 12, 352) chose December 25 as the Nativity Day (birth of Christ) although some texts refer to his birth around Easter time (April), which would also have suited the Resurrection/New Life symbolising the birth of the new (agricultural) year.
December 25 would have been near enough to the Winter Solstice to have the same result, namely educating the Pagans towards Christianity, exchanging the cause but not the effect. The date also coincided with the Cult of Saint Nicholas (SAiNT niCHoLAS = Santa Claus), hugely popular in the East by the time of his death on December 6, 343 AD (December 19 in the Julian calendar).
Saint Nicholas was born into a wealthy family in the village of Patara and from a young age, his Christian values taught him to live a life of austerity, using his wealth to care for the poor. So many were his actions helping people by distributing wealth that he became famous through the East while still young and was appointed Bishop of Myra. Therefore the transition from Saint Nicholas to Santa Claus.
But who was this bearded gentleman? Why, Saint Nicholas merged with the traditional white-bearded Russian figure who distributes presents at this time of year, Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost), accompanied by his grand-daughter Snegoroushka. Oh, and the Coca-Cola campaign of 1931, dressing him in the company colours, red and white.
Truly, we can conclude that the festivity and the figure are international and global values of goodwill and doing good, helping the poor (charity) and having good thoughts at a time when people are vulnerable. The very best of the human spirit.
The Pravda.Ru editorial team takes this opportunity to wish all of our readers and their families all the best for this Christmas Season and for the New Year, hoping that 2011 brings you all the very best of what you wish for, the fulfilment of your dreams, or at least the foundations for these to come true.
Whatever our differences of opinion throughout the year, however hot our debates and discussions, remember we are all brothers living around a common lake, the sea.
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
Saint Ann's Media

The Life of Saint Ann



By Father Peter Grace, C.P.

"The Revelation of James"

Christians, from the earliest times had an interest in knowing more 
about Jesus' family, especially about his mother and his grandmother. Ann 
is the name of the Jewish woman who was Jesus' grandmother. Ann is the 
virgin Mary's mother. We know nothing about Ann from the Bible. A 
third century greek manuscript called "the revelation of James" tells 
a fictional story about Mary and her parents Joachim and Ann. The story 
was probably written around the year 160 a.d. by a non-Jewish Christian. 


Simple Way of Life

Since history has not passed on anything extraordinary about the life 
of Saint Ann it is safe to assume that she led the life of a typical Jewish 
woman of her time. What we see in many present day third world countries 
perhaps gives us some insight into the simple way of life of the woman 
known today as Saint Ann. 
    I myself suppose that she spent much of her time with household chores 
and the needs of her family. I spent a number of years in Africa and in 
India, and I noticed that even today in those countries women are very 
busy from morning to night. You see them early in the morning walking to 
get water from a river, a well, or some other water supply. You can see 
them washing their infants, combing a daughter's hair, gathering wood and 
sticks to make a fire for cooking. During the day, women will gather food 
from their gardens and go to the town market to buy and sell vegetables, 
fruits, and dried fish. They assemble at grinding mills with bags of corn 
or kernels of wheat to have them ground into flour. Often they will 
perform their daily routine with a child perched on their backs and a 
few more children at their side. Usually you see women walking along in 
a small procession of relatives or neighbors. They will prepare an 
afternoon meal and sometimes bring it to their husbands at work in the 
fields. They will help raise the chickens, rabbits and goats, will milk 
the cow, and in the late afternoon when it is cool will go out into the 
fields along with their husbands to spade and hoe the land, plant seeds, 
and pick the corn or harvest the rice. When passing a friend or neighbor's 
house, they'll often stop for tea, or buttermilk, or enjoy some home-made 
beer or alcoholic beverage. 


Jewish Heritage

This daily routine is spiced with moments of great enjoyment and great 
sadness. There are celebrations for births and marriage, and sad 
gatherings for times of sickness and death. Nature brings days of hot sun 
and nights with cool breezes. There are seasons of torrential rain that 
make the land rich and green and then seemingly endless periods of drought 
that turn the whole earth into a parched, barren brown wasteland. There are 
no phones, no TV's, there is a lot of time to sit around as a family, walk 
over to your neighbor, tell stories, sing songs, and to pray to the God of 
earth and sky.
    We must also remember that St Ann was thoroughly Jewish and enjoyed 
all the cultural, political, and religious customs of Israel. She was a 
wife and mother and became the proud grandmother of the most beautiful 
grandson the world has ever known.


Ancient Story

According to the ancient story called the "Gospel of James", Ann the 
mother of Mary, was born in Bethlehem, where, years later, Jesus would 
be born. She married Joachim from Nazareth in Galilee. Their marriage was 
blessed in many ways. They loved each other very much and over the years 
their love only grew stronger. The couple prospered when they moved to 
Jerusalem. Joachim, a shepherd who owned a large herd of sheep, was 
given the task of supplying the temple in Jerusalem with sheep for its 
sacrifices from his flocks, which grazed in the hills nearby the city.
    Unfortunately, after twenty years of marriage Ann and Joachim had no 
children. They prayed and prayed, and even vowed to dedicate to God 
any child they would have. Year after year they entered the Temple 
to plead with God for help. But no child came.
    Once, when Joachim went to the Temple for the feast of Dedication, 
he overheard someone ridiculing him for not being able to father a 
child. Stung by the remark, he went out into the hill country near 
Jerusalem where shepherds tended his flocks and cried to God over 
his disappointment of so many years.


Angel's Message

After many days there alone, pouring out the sadness in his heart 
before God, an angel appeared to Joachim in dazzling light. The vision 
frightened him, but the angel said:
   "Don't be afraid. I have come to tell you the Lord has heard
    your prayers. He knows how good you are and he knows your many
    years of sorrow for having no child. God will give your wife
    a child just as he did Sarah, the wife of Abraham, and Anna, 
    the mother of Samuel. Your wife Ann will bear you a daughter.
    You shall call her Mary and dedicate her to God, for she will
    be filled with the Holy Spirit from her mother's womb."
    "I will give you a sign", the angel continued. "Go back to 
    Jerusalem. You will meet your wife at the Golden Gate, and your 
    sorrow will be turned into joy."
    Meanwhile, Ann, not knowing where her husband had gone, grew anxious 
and afraid. She, too, was hurt that she had no children and felt as though 
she were being punished by God. Going into the garden, she noticed some 
sparrows building a nest in a laurel tree, for it was springtime, and she 
began to cry:
     "Why was I born, O Lord? The birds build nests for their young 
     yet I have no child of my own. The animals of the earth, the 
     fish of the sea are fruitful, yet I have nothing. The land 
     produces fruit in due season, but I have no infant to hold in 
     my arms."
    Suddenly, the angel of the Lord came to her and said, "Ann, the Lord 
has heard your prayer. You shall conceive a child whom the whole world 
will praise. Go to the Golden Gate in Jerusalem and meet your husband 
there." So she quickly went to the city gate. The two met there and embraced, 
and joyfully shared the news the angel had given them. Returning home, Ann 
conceived and bore a daughter, and called her Mary. Mary was a common name 
for Jewish women of the time. The name is derived from Miriam, who was the 
sister of Moses. Perhaps the Jewish people then, longing for someone like 
Moses to lead them from their long slavery to foreigners like the Greeks 
and the Romans, chose that name for so many of their daughters, hoping that 
a new Moses would come and find another Miriam at his side. 


Dedication in the Temple

When Mary was three years old, her parents presented her in the Temple 
in Jerusalem as a gift to the Lord. Their family then lived close by 
that great center of Jewish life. Even from her first days, Mary as a 
child seemed to know that her life was to serve God. The temple of God 
so near her home was a place she loved and there was nowhere else she 
would rather be. So as a little girl just three years old, her parents 
watched her ascend the fifteen great steps to the temple courtyard and 
approach the altar of sacrifice. God was there and she wished to be near 
him. And that is what her parents, Ann and Joachim wished, that their 
daughter be near her God. The early story says that mary spent most of 
her childhood in that holy place. 


Mary's Marriage to Joseph

When Mary was 14, the age Jewish girls married at that time, she wondered 
what her future would be. Her parents knew their child had a special place 
in God's plan, but what it was they did not know. They began to arrange 
for her marriage, as customary in those days, and sought advice from the 
Jewish high priest himself. After praying for guidance, the high priest 
called every unmarried man from the tribe of David to come to the temple 
with a branch from the fields and lay it on the altar. The one whose branch
flowered, he decided, would marry Mary.
    Joseph was among those who came at the high priest's call, but he brought 
no branch with him. Yet God pointed him out as the one who should be Mary's 
husband. When Joseph finally placed a branch on the altar, it immediately 
flowered. The two were betrothed in marriage and Mary returned to her 
parent's home at Nazareth to wait some months and to prepare for the 
wedding. While she was there, the angel Gabriel appeared to her and 
announced that she was to be the mother of Jesus. By the power of the 
Holy Spirit she conceived the Child. After Jesus was born, Mary and 
Joseph returned to Nazareth where they would live and bring up their 
young son. Ann and Joachim visited them there and helped to care for 
the child. They told Jesus many stories about Adam and Eve, David 
and Goliath, Moses and the ten commandments. They watched Jesus play and 
walk, they fed him his favorite meals, bathed him, and gently rocked him 
to sleep. When Ann and Joachim died, or where, we do not know, none of 
the ancient stories tell us. But a later tradition says, and we can 
believe that it is true, that Jesus was with Ann and Joachim when they 
passed away.
    The story of Jesus' mother and grandmother as written in the 
Gospel of James was very popular among early Christians. It had 
a great influence on Christian worship, art and devotion. Around 
the year 550 a church in honor of Saint Ann was built in Jerusalem 
near the temple area on the site where Ann, Joachim and their 
daughter Mary were believed to have lived. In the 6th century the 
churches in the East celebrated two Feasts honoring Mary based on 
the story: Mary's birth and her presentation in the Temple. Since 
the 7th century the Greek and Russian Churches have celebrated 
feasts in honor of Saint Joachim and Ann, the conception of Saint Ann, 
and the feast of Saint Ann. The western churches have celebrated the
feast of Saint Ann since the 16th century.

Devotion to Saint Ann

Devotion to Saint Ann grew in Europe through a popular French 
tradition. The French believed that Mary Magdalene, Lazarus, Martha, 
and other friends of Jesus crossed the Mediterranean Sea and landed at 
the southern French city of Marseilles where they spread the news about 
Jesus' death and resurrection. According to this tradition Mary 
Magdalene's group brought with them the remains of Saint Ann.  
    According to the legend, the bishop, St Auspice, buried the body of 
St Ann in a cave under the church of St Mary in Apt. When barbarians 
invaded that area, the cave was filled with debris, almost to be 
forgotten until it was dug out by miners 600 years later during the 
reign of Charlemagne. The Sailors and miners of the region around 
Marseilles were very devoted to Saint Ann  and their devotion spread 
to other parts of Europe and eventually to the New World. The ancient 
shrines of St. Ann in Jerusalem and in Apt, France still exist. Saint 
Ann is the patroness of Britanny in France, a land of sailors. The 
great shrine of Sainte Anne d'Auray, founded in the 17th century, is 
one of the largest pilgrimage centers in Europe and is especially popular 
with the Bretons of France. Settlers from that region brought their 
devotion to Canada where they established the shrine of Sainte Anne de 
Beaupre near Quebec in 1658. In 1905 American Passionist Priests and 
Brothers built a monastery in the mining center of Scranton, 
Pennsylvania and dedicated their foundation to Saint Ann. 
The monastery was built over a coal mine.
    On August 15, 1911 the monastery shook, cracked and split due to a 
severe mine subsidence. The community of priests moved out. But they 
had complete confidence that they would be able to come back again. In 
their words, "Saint Ann will take care of her own." In a short time, 
with repairs, all was safe and the Passionists returned.
    Again on July 28, 1913, an even more menacing disturbance took place. 
A gigantic "squeeze" threatened to slide the whole monastery and church 
down the hill. Immediately the Passionists and the neighbors prayed for 
help through the intercession of Saint Ann. The next morning, on an 
inspection of the mines that run under the monastery, it was found 
that the slide had suddenly stopped, turned back and settled solidly 
under the monastery.
    So started the history of devotion to Saint Ann at Saint Ann's Shrine 
in Scranton. The magnificent structure which is now Saint Ann's Monastery 
Church was dedicated on April 2nd, 1929. Here, the weekly Saint Ann's 
Novena has continued every Monday throughout the years. More than 10,000 
people per day attend the annual ten day Saint Ann's Solemn Novena which 
begins July 17th and ends on July 26th, the feast of Saint Ann.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


The following is from Volume VII of the HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON


      (114)  On April 22, 1965, then Senator Robert F. Kennedy
sent a letter to Dr. Burkley directing him to transfer in person
the autopsy material being kept at the White House to Mrs. Evelyn
Lincoln, the personal secretary of President Kennedy, for
safekeeping at the National Archives.  The letter also said that
Mrs. Lincoln was being instructed that the material was not to be
released to anyone without Robert Kennedy's written permission and
approval.  This demonstrates Robert Kennedy's firm control over
the disposition of the materials.

      (115)  In response to this directive, Dr. Burkley notified
the Protective Research Division of Senator Kennedy's request.
Before transferring the material, Bouck, Burkley and other Secret
Service personnel carefully inventoried all the items present.
This was the first official inventory of these materials.

      (116)  On April 26, 1965, Burkley and Bouck transferred the
materials to Evelyn Lincoln.  A letter from Burkley to Lincoln
documenting the exchange included the inventory, which documented
that a stainless steel container 7 by 8 inches in diameter,
containing gross material was transferred.  On the last page of
the inventory, Lincoln wrote: "Received, April 26, 1965, in room
409, National Archives, Washington, D.C., from Dr. Burkley and
Robert Bouck."  At the time of the transfer, the items now
missing, which are those enumerated under item No. 9 of the
inventory, were allegedly present.

      (117)  In his testimony before the committee, Bouck stated
that he is quite positive all the autopsy-related material that
came into his possession was given to Mrs. Lincoln at the time of
the 1965 transfer. He also stated that he was uncertain whether
Dr. Burkley had custody of the brain, but that if the brain was
part of the autopsy materials in the custody of the Secret
Service, it was transported to the National Archives.

      (118)  Dr. Burkley clarified this issue, saying that the
stainless steel container mentioned in the inventory held the
brain and that he saw the bucket in April 1965, when he and Bouck
transferred the autopsy materials to Lincoln. Since this transfer,
Dr. Burkley maintains that he has had no further knowledge of or
association with these materials.

Bill Cooper Exposes the Assassination of JFK Rare Video May 15, 1991 youtube
The truth is ON THE ZAPRUDER FILM: Viewers see the driver of the limosine turn and fire! Today, the film is edited and the driver's kill-shot is not there. But the unedited, original, famous, Zapruder film actually shows William Greer shoot JFK! Greer was a CIA agent who drove the limo. The shot came from the front because the President's brains were blasted BACK. Jackie Kennedy ran for her life on the film. A natural reaction for her would have been to hold her dying husband. Instead, she was running for her life and was pushed back into her seat by the Secret Service agent behind the vehicle. Jackie knew this was a political hit by super-powerful thugs and carried out by the CIA.
Assassination allegations
Doubts have existed from the beginning about Forrestal's death, especially allegations of suicide.[27] The early doubts are detailed in the book The Death of James Forrestal (1966) by Cornell Simpson, which received virtually no publicity. As Simpson notes (pp. 40–44), a major reason for doubt is the fact that the Navy kept the full transcript of its official hearing and final report secret. Additional doubt has been raised by the 2004 release of that complete report, informally referred to as the Willcutts Report,[28] after Admiral Morton D. Willcutts, the head of the National Naval Medical Center, who convened the review board.
Among the discrepancies between the report and the accounts given in the principal Forrestal biographies are that the transcription[29] of the poem by Sophocles appears to David Martin, author of the five-part series Who Killed James Forrestal?[30] to have been written in a hand[31] other than Forrestal's. If Forrestal's, according to some intelligence sources, then he could not scribble the word "nightingale" in the poem because it was the code name of the Ukrainian Nazi elite unit Nachtigall Brigade which Forrestal had helped to smuggle to the United States to supplant Kim Philby's failed ABN (Anti Bolshevik Nationals), an MI6 Soviet émigré fascist group.[32] There was also broken glass found on Forrestal's bed,[22] a fact that had not been previously reported. Theories as to who might have murdered Forrestal range from Soviet agents, to U.S. government operatives sent to silence him for his knowledge of UFOs.[33]
Forrestal's single known public statement regarding pressure from interest groups, and his cabinet position opposing the partition of Palestine has been significantly magnified by later critics into a portrayal of Forrestal as a dedicated anti-Zionist who led a concerted campaign to thwart the cause of the Jewish people in Palestine. These critics tend to characterize Forrestal as a mentally unhinged individual, a hysteric with deep anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish feelings. Forrestal himself maintained that he was being shadowed by "foreign men", which some critics and authors quickly interpreted to mean either Soviet NKVD agents or proponents of Zionism.[34] Author Arnold Rogow supported the theory that Forrestal committed suicide over fantasies of being chased by Zionist agents, largely relying on information obtained in interviews conducted with some of Forrestal's fiercest critics inside and outside the Truman administration.
However, those who see Zionist conspiratorial designs behind Forrestal's unexplained death note Rogow's footnote to his work:
"While those beliefs reflect the fact that Forrestal was a very ill man in March 1949, it is entirely possible that he was 'shadowed' by Zionist agents in 1947 and 1948. A close associate of his at the time recalls that at the height of the Palestine controversy, his (the associate's) official limousine was followed to and from his office by a blue sedan containing two men. When the police were notified and the sedan apprehended, it was discovered that the two men were photographers employed by a Zionist organization. They explained to the police that they had hoped to obtain photographs of the limousine's occupant entering or leaving an Arab embassy in order to demonstrate that the official involved was in close contact with Arab representatives."[34]
New light was shed on Forrestal's concerns in March 2006 when The Times of London, referencing newly declassified documents, revealed that a serious attempt by Menachem Begin's Irgun Gang to assassinate[35] Britain's anti-Zionist Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, had been thwarted by British intelligence in 1946.
Columnists Drew Pearson and Walter Winchell led a press campaign—which many would today find libelous—against Forrestal[12] to make him appear paranoid. But official evaluations of his psychiatric state never mentioned paranoia. One of Pearson's most spectacular claims was that at Hobe Sound, Florida, shortly before he was hospitalized, Forrestal was awakened by a siren in the middle of the night and ran out into the street exclaiming, "The Russians are attacking." No one who was there that night confirmed this claim. Captain George Raines, the Navy doctor in charge of Forrestal's treatment, called it an outright fabrication.[36]

[edit] Publication of diaries

His diaries from 1944 to march 1949 were serialised in the New York Herald Tribune in 1951, and published as a 581 page book The Forrestal Diaries, edited by Walter Millis by the Viking Press in October 1951. They were censored prior to publication.[37] Adam Matthew Publications Ltd publishes a micro-film of the complete and unexpurgated diaries from the originals preserved in the Seeley G Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University.[38][39] An example of censorship is the removal of the following account of a conversation with Truman- "He referred to Hitler as an egomaniac. "The result is we shall have a Slav Europe for a long time to come. I don't think it is so bad."[39]
Other controversy
Though they were fairly good friends in the 40s, Kilgallen grew antagonistic toward Frank Sinatra in her daily column, culminating in a multi-part 1956 feature, "The Frank Sinatra Story".[38] Sinatra was angered by this and referred to her publicly as the "chinless wonder."[39]
When country music performers from Nashville's Grand Ole Opry appeared in concert at Carnegie Hall to benefit New York's Musicians Aid Society in 1961, Kilgallen dismissed them as "hicks from the sticks." In her column she advised that "everyone should leave town. The hillbillies are coming."[40] Patsy Cline, one of the headliners, responded that "Miss Dorothy called us Nashville performers 'the gang from Grand Ole Opry - hicks from the sticks.' And if I have the pleasure of seeing that wicked witch, I'll let her know how proud I am to be a hick from the sticks."[40]
Near the end of her life, Kilgallen was embroiled in yet another controversy. The musical Skyscraper was in previews at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre. In October 1965 Kilgallen attended a preview, which was a benefit for charity. There has been a long tradition of not reviewing a show that's still in previews, because the point of previews is to test audience reaction and make changes. That didn't stop Kilgallen. She panned the show in one of her columns, calling it a "turkey." There was quite an uproar from the theatrical community. She died very shortly after this final controversy in her life. Skyscraper officially opened five days after her death to mixed reviews and a moderate run of 248 performances.

[edit] Death

The footstone of Dorothy Kilgallen in Gate of Heaven Cemetery
On November 8, 1965, Kilgallen was found dead on the third floor of her five-story brownstone, just 12 hours after she appeared, live, on What's My Line?. Her hairdresser, Marc Sinclaire, found her body when he arrived that morning to style her hair.[4] He said decades later that she always slept on the fifth floor, adding that on November 8 he used his key to the brownstone and went directly to the third floor where he always did her hair near her large wardrobe closet.[4] She had apparently succumbed to a fatal combination of alcohol and Seconal, possibly concurrent with a heart attack. It is not known whether the death was a suicide or an accidental overdose, although the amount of barbiturate in her system "could well have been accidental," according to medical examiner James Luke.[41]
Because of her open criticism of the Warren Commission and other US government entities, and her association with Jack Ruby and a 1964 private interview with him, some[42] speculate that she was murdered by members of the same alleged conspiracy against JFK. Her claims that she was under surveillance[43] led to a theory that she might have been murdered. She had reportedly told a few friends after her Ruby interview that she was "about to blow the JFK case sky high."[44] Throughout her career she consistently refused to identify any of her sources whenever a government agency questioned her, and that might have posed a threat to the alleged JFK conspirators.[45]
Her autopsy did not suggest evidence of homicide; however, her death certificate cites the cause of death as "undetermined."[46] Despite the fact that medical examiner Luke spent 45 minutes at the death scene,[47] another medical examiner named Dominick DiMaio signed the death certificate, typing above his signature that he was doing this "for James Luke."[4] In the 1990s Luke worked for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.[48] In 1989 DiMaio co-authored Forensic Pathology and later wrote other textbooks.[49] Referring to Kilgallen's death certificate, DiMaio said in a 1995 interview quoted in Midwest Today magazine, "I wasn't stationed in Manhattan [where Kilgallen died]. I was in Brooklyn. Are you sure I signed it? I don't see how the hell I could have signed it in the first place. You got me."[4]

[edit] After death and legacy

At the time of her death, Dorothy Kilgallen and Richard Kollmar had been married for 25 years and she left behind three children. She is buried in the Cemetery of the Gate of Heaven in Hawthorne, New York. A year-and-a-half after her death, Kollmar, then 56, married designer Anne Fogarty, who had created the dress Kilgallen had worn on What's My Line? the last night of her life.[4] Newspaper obituaries said Kollmar "died in his sleep" at home. A Kilgallen biography by Lee Israel said he "took his own life in January, 1971, swallowing everything in reach."[50] Although he seemed to have swallowed many more pills than his first wife had five years and two months earlier,[51] the medical examiner did not call it a suicide. Kollmar's death was not a major news item, as Kilgallen's had been, and medical examiner findings about his death were not made public until years later when Israel obtained (with help from the Kollmars' youngest child) documents from the M.E.'s office.[52]
One of two known comments Richard Kollmar made about his first wife after her death was later recalled by Bob Bach, who booked the mystery guests for What's My Line?. At Bach's home several hours after her funeral, the television producer asked the widower to discuss his wife's interest in the assassination, and Kollmar replied, "Robert, I'm afraid that will have to go to the grave with me."[53]
Conspiracy theorist Mark Lane is the source for Kollmar's other known remark. An essay on John McAdams' website about the JFK assassination claims that Lane told Kilgallen everything she knew about the assassination except for how to obtain the 102-page Warren Commission/Ruby transcript, which came to her from an unknown person.[37] This contradicts statements by Lane in the Israel book, in a 1977 issue of the Midnight supermarket tabloid preserved at the National Archives, on talk radio in 1993 and on the Geraldo Rivera TV show Now It Can Be Told in 1992. Lane's side of the story is that a few weeks after the last comment Kilgallen published about the assassination (an item in her September 3, 1965 Voice of Broadway column about Marina Oswald Porter and her photograph of Lee holding a rifle), Kilgallen told him by phone that she planned to visit Dallas again. She did not name any of her sources there, and she declined to tell him who she thought might have shot the president. They never communicated again. A month after her death, Lane contacted Kollmar to ask where her notes were. Lane and Kollmar had met in Kilgallen's presence at the Kollmar brownstone more than a year earlier.[54] Kollmar got rid of Lane quickly, asserting that his late wife's discoveries have "done enough damage already"[55] and "too many people have suffered as a result."[56] Lane never learned anything further about Dorothy Kilgallen's opinions or findings about the assassination.[57]
On the What's My Line? broadcast following Kilgallen's death, host John Charles Daly opened the show explaining that, after consulting with "her good husband Dick Kollmar," the show's tribute to her would be to go on as usual. The text of Daly's announcement, except for the names of those involved, was identical to the announcement he'd made at the beginning of the broadcast the night after regular panelist Fred Allen died.[citation needed] During their usual "goodnights," each panel member gave a short tribute to her. Bennett Cerf and Steve Allen reminded viewers that her "line" was a print reporter while Arlene Francis and Kitty Carlisle focused on the impact Kilgallen had on the television show.[58]
Although Bennett Cerf was audiotaped on January 23, 1968 reminiscing about Kilgallen, he said nothing about her death or about the book Murder One that his company Random House had published in 1967 with the late Dorothy Kilgallen listed as the sole author. Years after his death, his widow Phyllis Fraser admitted to Kilgallen biographer Lee Israel that a writer named Allan Ullman actually had written it with Richard Kollmar's approval. Kilgallen's private secretary Myrtle Verne, who can be seen as one of the contestants on a 1957 episode of What's My Line?,[59] died on January 10, 1975, shortly before Israel began contacting people for her biography.[60]
Despite Richard Kollmar's public silence about his late wife, her father Jim Kilgallen, still a highly respected reporter at age 77, did speak for publication. The breaking story of her death in the Journal American, where father and daughter both worked, quoted him as saying she "apparently suffered a heart attack, her first." [61] He reminisced fondly about her career and girlish quality for the February 1966 issue of TV Radio Mirror. He said he knew nothing about her prescription medication and declined to discuss the Kennedy assassination.[62] During this period Jack O'Brian took over the Voice of Broadway column, but the Journal American ceased publication in April 1966 with O'Brian and other Journal American columnists becoming part of the short-lived New York World Journal Tribune. Later in the 1960s and in the 1970s, Jim Kilgallen continued working as a reporter with his articles appearing in the Hearst papers that remained outside of New York City, but his Hearst colleagues knew not to ask him about his late daughter, and so did his "friends of long standing," said biographer Israel.[63] Contacted by Israel, he wrote to her on January 26, 1976 that he would not help her,[64] noting that he was sticking to "a firm policy" he had maintained since his daughter's death "not to grant interviews to anyone concerning her career."[65]
The National Archives has a file from 1978 containing a collage of newspaper clippings dating from that year that Jim Kilgallen sent to Louis Stokes of the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations. One was a "Page Six" item in the New York Post about Israel's forthcoming book noting that employees of the Regency Hotel on Park Avenue, the place where Dorothy Kilgallen was last seen alive, were instructed not to talk to Israel. But Jim Kilgallen, who continued reporting for Hearst until age 93, is not known to have commented on this or any other suggestions that his daughter might have been murdered.
For her contribution to the television industry, Dorothy Kilgallen has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6780 Hollywood Boulevard.

Shellfish toxin found at lethal levels in Whatcom County

Posted on July 8, 2010 at 2:00 PM
Updated Thursday, Jul 8 at 4:32 PM

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WHATCOM COUNTY, Wash. - New test results of shellfish in the waters off Whatcom County have surprised county health officials, forcing them to issue a warning.
The new testing has detected marine biotoxins - that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) - at levels potentially lethal to humans.
All of Whatcom County has been closed to the recreational harvest of shellfish since early June because high levels of PSP were detected. But these new levels are alarming.
"A spike in PSP levels like this is very rare", says Tom Kunesh with the Whatcom County Health Department. "It's important that people know not to consume the flesh of these shellfish".
The shellfish ban includes clams, oysters, mussels, scallops, geoducks and other species of molluscan shellfish. Crab is not  included in the closure, but officials say "crab butter" and crab entrails should be discarded, and only the meat should be eaten.
The health department says PSP biotoxins are naturally occurring and are not destroyed by cooking or freezing.
 You're only at risk if you consume toxic shellfish.
Symptoms of PSP poisoning can appear within minutes or hours and usually begin with tingling lips and tongue, moving to the hands and feet, followed by difficulty breathing, and potentially death. If you experience these symptoms officials say contact a health care provider. If you have an extreme reaction  call 911.
The hot weather and water conditions are contributing to the concern.
"We are especially concerned right now because the tides are low and that exposes more areas where shellfish can be found", Kunesh says. "Not to mention people are flocking to the beaches to swim right now".
Nearby Skagit County also reports high levels of PSP but not life-threatening levels.
American FreePress
The Inside Scoop
From the Editor/News You May Have Missed
.......... 2
Dave Gahary:
Whoʼs sabotaging 9-11 truthers ............ 3
Why FBI creates phony terror plots
........................ 4
‘Honey pots’ have curious connections
.................. 6
Should we trust WikiLeaks 100 percent?
................ 6
Spotlight on Congress
............................................. 8
New information on the gulf oil disaster
................ 9
JFK body guard punished for telling truth
........... 10
Dallas ambulance driver’s JFK revelations
........... 10
Missing link in JFK assassination emerges
.......... 11
How Switzerland stays sovereign
................... 12-13
Global U.S. military footprint getting bigger
......... 14
Jim Traficant:
You have good reason to fret ............ 15
Rep. Ron Paul:
Audit of Fed a must for 2011 .......... 17
Letters to the Editor
.................................................. 18
The Ryan Report:
End of the world—or not?............ 19
World’s elite move to create global departments of treasury, defense, climate
By James P. Tucker Jr.
pursuing their goal of
global government, under
cover of darkness. They
plan to keep the world in a recession
at least through 2011 so
hungry people will accept world
rule to avoid starvation. Their
efforts are exposed in their own
words, during unguarded moments.
“If all goes according to plan, the
UN Framework Commission Convention
on Climate Change will establish a
global framework,” the Bilderberg-controlled
nternational financiers are subtly
Washington Post
Cancun, Mexico Dec. 8.
every secret Bilderberg meeting since the 1950s,
on a promise to report nothing.
Since 1954, the Bilderberg group, with the collaboration
of the mainstream corporate media, has been
meeting behind closed and heavily guarded doors, to
make decisions affecting virtually everyone on Earth.
“They are ripe for the harvest,” Brazilian climate
official Sergio Serra said during the meeting inMexico,
referring to efforts to establish a global department
of energy and climate under the UN.
“We know deforestation is a global
problem, and the only way to
address that is with an international
mechanism,” said Rebecca
Chacko, attending for
the environmental group Conservation
International. “Now
we finally have a moment
where, if we’re successful, we
can move forward.”
World government is also
being pushed on the
“peace front.” At a summit
in Lisbon, Portugal, NATO announced
it would fight terrorism “around the globe,”
as members advocated a world defense ministry
under the UN. TheWhite House said this was a “full
embrace” of Obama’s views.
Creating “world treasury” and “world defense”
departments would be a giant step toward global government,
advocates believe. Another step is creating
an “American Union” covering the Western Hemisphere,
similar to the European Union, through expanding
“trade agreements.” European Union member
states surrendered their sovereignty by becoming
EU members. Switzerland, as AFP has reported, has
so far resisted EU membership—a good thing since
the European Parliament imposes laws and taxes on
distant member states, and the European Court overrules
national courts.
Globalists also are fighting to save the euro,
which is threatened by Europe’s economic crisis.
This is important because a nation’s currency is a
symbol of sovereignty which “nationalists” fight
to maintain. Britain refuses to accept the
euro and uses its own coin. The Swiss
also have kept their franc.
“With the fiscal turmoil escalating
across much of the euro zone, the currency
has entered an uncertain period,”
reported from a UN meeting inPost publishers have attended
The Post
still fear that the currency could destabilize
in the coming weeks and months.”
reported from Berlin. “Some
This article—formatted to fit on an 8.5-by-11-inch sheet—is from
subscription is $17.76. One year—52 issues—is $59 or $5 per month deducted
from your credit card automatically. Online editions just $15 per year.
Write AFP at 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, #100, Washington, D.C. 20003
or call 1-888-699-6397 toll free and charge to major credit cards. See AFP’s
website at
MERICAN FREE PRESS newspaper, issue #52, Dec. 27, 2010. A 16-week trial
FBI’s phony
terror plots
Columnist Paul
Craig Roberts
explains why,
without the aid of
the FBI, few terror
plots succeed.
See page 4
‘Honey Pots’
AFP’s Victor Thorn
has found that the
women accusing
Julian Assange
have some curious
See page 6
on JFK Murder
You may think you’ve
heard it all on the
JFK assassination,
but this week we
offer you three new
shocking revelations.
See pages 10-11

Saturday, December 18, 2010,28757,1690753,00.html

Person of the Year 2007

Platon for TIME
Person of the Year 2007

Vladimir Putin

His final year as Russia's President has been his most successful yet. At home, he secured his political future. Abroad, he expanded his outsize—if not always benign—influence on global affairs More »

Read more:,28757,1690753,00.html#ixzz18VCYAT9L
Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen. They are a subset of organic compounds. Hydrocarbons range from methane, which is just one carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms, to polymers such as polystyrene, which consists of thousands of carbon and hydrogen atoms. As carbon-carbon bonds are the strongest in all of chemistry, long chains with carbon backbones are extremely durable, and seem to have a practically unlimited extent.
Hydrocarbons come in a variety of forms. They may be gases (methane and propane), liquids (hexane and benzene), waxes (paraffin wax), or polymers (polyethylene and polystyrene). Hydrocarbons can be processed to create plastics.
There are four main types of hydrocarbons: saturated hydrocarbons, consisting of only single bonds between carbon atoms; unsaturated hydrocarbons, with double or triple bonds; cycloalkanes, with consist of hydrogen bonded to carbon rings; and aromatic hydrocarbons, which contain a chemical structure known as an aromatic ring, of which benzene is the simplest example.
The primary source of hydrocarbons here on Earth is through fossil fuels – coal, oil, and natural gas. These are extracted from the ground in quantities of millions of tons per day, and are the primary energy source for today’s civilization. 85% of all electricity worldwide is generated by the burning of hydrocarbons, and hydrocarbon fuel is used to propel practically every mobile machine: cars, trucks, trains, planes, and ships.
Hydrocarbons have been a very successful fuel source over the last two hundred or so years, but there are increasingly calls to scale back its use. The combustion of hydrocarbons produces smoke and soot, generating pollution which is responsible for smog and acid rain. Even worse, the burning of hydrocarbons releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing global warming. Hydrocarbons will not last forever. Burning fuel at the current rate, oil could run out in less than a century and coal in several centuries. All of this has led to calls to develop renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, and the construction of more nuclear power plants, which produce zero emissions.
In 2007, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to former US Vice President Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for their work in confirming and spreading the message that the combustion of hydrocarbons is largely responsible for global warming.
Reveals BP's 'Other' Offshore Drilling Disaster
A BP offshore oil platform suddenly shows signs of a potentially devastating leak. Bubbles form in the seawater. Alarms sound. Panicked oil workers flee the rig. That may sound like the moments that preceded last April's Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, but it actually describes an event 19 months earlier, in the Caspian Sea waters of tiny Azerbaijan. There are uncanny echoes of the Azerbaijan incident in the Deepwater Horizon tragedy, including the likely cause - a faulty cement job. But there was one marked difference: While the Gulf explosion created an ongoing political firestorm, the Azerbaijan leak remained almost forgotten until last week, when another leak - this time of diplomatic cables, released by WikiLeaks - showed just how close BP had come to a major disaster in the Caspian.
A series of cables by then U.S. Ambassador in Baku, Anne E. Derse, chronicled a growing testiness between BP and the government of Azerbaijan, whose long borders with Russia and Iran and vast Caspian energy reserves give it strategic importance way beyond its small size. BP commands enormous clout in Azerbaijan, having invested $4 billion in gas and oil pipelines from Baku, which travel through Georgia to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, giving energy-hungry Western Europe a supply channel that bypasses Russia. (Explore an interactive graphic of the Gulf oil spill.)
But the partnership with the Azeri state energy company SOCAR was strained to the limit one morning in Sept. 2008, when a blowout in a gas-injection well on BP's Central Azeri platform prompted the emergency evacuation of 212 workers, and shut down large parts of the offshore production in the Caspian's Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli (ACG) field. That accident deprived the Azerbaijan government of revenues of up to $50 million a day during the weeks when production plummeted, according to the leaked cables. "It is possible that BP Azerbaijan 'would never know' the cause of the gas leak," Ambassador Derse wrote to her bosses in Washington on Oct. 8, 2008, citing confidential talks with the American head of BP Azerbaijan, Bill Schrader. "BP is continuing to methodically investigate possible theories." A later cable says BP concluded that "a bad cement job" caused the leak. BP has not said which company was responsible for that cement work, and its 2008 annual report offered few details. The leak is mentioned on page 28 of the report, where it is stated only that production had resumed "following comprehensive investigation and recovery work." (Watch video of oil slick anxiety in Louisiana's bayous.)
The cables, first published in London's Guardian, demonstrate the sharp contrast between the saturation coverage of the Gulf blowout, and the Azerbaijan leak that was barely covered in the local press. "Unless you were on the inside you didn't know how serious it was," says Edward Chow, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "It hit the trade press, so if you were reading Platts [a specialist oil newsletter] you would have seen it." BP said in a statement published in the Guardian that the company "enjoys the continued support and goodwill of the government and the people of Azerbaijan," and that its discussions with the government are confidential. (See TIME's Top 10 of Everything of 2010.)
The pipeline project has always had a strong geopolitical undertone. A former aide to President Heydar Aliyev told TIME in an interview in Baku in 2006 that President Bill Clinton had urged the Azeri leader in 1994 to construct the pipeline link with Europe as part of "a very strategic plan" to bypass Russia and Iran. But the primary concern following the Caspian platform leak was less on potential diplomatic consequences in a region at the epicenter of energy-driven strategic contest but on the financial losses Azerbaijan suffered after BP's leak. "Schrader said although the story hadn't caught the press's attention, it had the full focus of the GOAJ [Government of Azerbaijan]," Derse wrote, "which was losing '40 to 50 million dollars' each day."
That loss seems trifling by comparison to the $40 billion or more in cleanup costs and legal liabilities that BP faced over the Gulf disaster, even before last week's Obama Administration decision to sue BP and eight other companies involved in Deepwater Horizon. And the revelations about the Caspian incident may have government lawyers picking over the details in search of a pattern of lax safety on BP platforms. In the Caspian leak, the gas did not ignite, and all the workers made it safely off the rig - a far happier outcome than in the Gulf. In what could be seen in retrospect as another portent of things to come, Ambassador Derse described the Azerbaijan government's annoyance over what they said was BP's secretiveness about the incident - a charge which would be repeated by President Barack Obama less than two years later, when he lashed out at BP for obfuscating over the Gulf blowout. (See photographs of a relief well being drilled in the Gulf.)
Chow also suggests that the suspicion that both accidents were caused by cement work around the wells could suggest a "systemic" problem with regard to BP's wells. "If you look at the larger picture, BP has had safety problems for more than five years now," Chow says. "It has been well documented, even before the Azerbaijan news."
In one cable from the embassy in Baku in October 2008, a U.S. diplomat says "BP has closed off a 'few suspect wells' from which they think a bad cement job caused the leaking gas." That, the diplomat says, "is actually good news, since had it been a reservoir leak the damage would have been potentially non-reparable, whereas now all BP has to do is fix the cement job." The repair work is "hard and expensive ... but preferable to losing the platform." By April 2010, that assessment would read like a gross understatement.

Anne E. Derse. Official U.S. State Dep't photo.
Anne E. Derse (born 1954 in Lakewood, Ohio) was confirmed to be US Ambassador to Lithuania on July 24, 2009.[1]
Anne E. Derse completed her Bachelor of Arts in French and Linguistics from Macalester College[2] in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1976 and her Master of Arts in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in 1981. She also graduated with distinction from the State Department's Economic and Commercial Studies program in 1989.
She joined the Department of State in 1981, serving in Trinidad and Tobago (1981–83) and Singapore (1985–88). Her most influential role came in 1999 when, as Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs at the U.S. Mission to the European Union (USEU), she led the Mission's economic team covering U.S. – EU economic relations and served as the last U.S. Commissioner on the Tripartite Gold Commission, which adjudicated sovereign claims for Nazi gold recovered by the Allies after World War II. In late 2004 she assisted in establishing the new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, serving there as Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs.
She was the US Ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan from May 2006 until July 2009.
On June 4, 2009, it was announced that Ambassador Derse will be appointed by President Barack Obama to serve as Ambassador to Lithuania. She was confirmed by the senate on July 24 2009.

Booze, Bimbos, Bribes And Baku

Baku_AThe UK’s latest corruption scandal is all about BP’s Lord Browne and the company’s use of everything from hookers to hash in ‘winning’ oil contracts.

Britain’s Daily Mail was forced to pull the story minutes after publication - not here anymore - but well-meaning bloggers have re-sleazed it here and here.
First, you wonder why the Government censored the story. After all, that’s normal business hospitality isn’t it? And if they blew an expense account of 45 million in four months, well, that’s the way things are in Baku, where any woman out after 9 pm is a whore.
Only last year, the US Ambassador had to be recalled after American diplomats were caught trafficking ’scorching redheads’ from Azerbaijan to Florida. (Guess what - that earned him promotion.) As one journalist noted, Baku has been more successful with its integration into the Western sex industry, than in its NATO partnership. But hey, anything’s better than the old Evil Soviet Empire.
I’m sure Lord Browne will argue that you can’t do Baku on tight budget. Blogger Johnnie Baker writes: ‘I have been fortunate enough to have a bit of a sex life during my stay here in Baku, which can be quite difficult if you’re not willing to pay.’ He also discovered that more shopkeepers know the word condom than the Russian preservativ - which shows the real progress being made there.
Presumably, what Her Majesty’s Government didn’t like in the article was the reference to MI6 abetting BP in fostering local corruption. Once again, I am shocked, shocked. Wasn’t MI6 behind the coup d’etat in Azerbaijan anyway?
BP’s middlemen arranged to supply the new government with military equipment in what was described as an “arms-for-oil” deal. The move was designed to “consolidate BP’s position”
So, it appears that BP is doing nothing more at the moment than continuing to ‘consolidate its position.’ That does highlight the problem with the Baku bunch, though. You bribe them once but they don’t stay bribed.


Your rating: None
Angered by recent allegations about Russian arms transfers to Armenia, Azerbaijan is increasingly positioning itself to take on Russia as a direct competitor for European gas markets, Azerbaijani analysts believe.
The tip-off came with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s expressions of support for the Nabucco pipeline project at two recent meetings. While Baku has never shied away from the project, it has always balanced its statements with a nod toward Russia’s pipeline counter-offers. At the World Economic Forum, held in Davos, Switzerland, Aliyev underlined a seller’s logic: Azerbaijan has more gas than it can use -- 2-3 trillion cubic meters in reserves -- and is looking for new customers.
"These markets already exist -- Western and Central European countries -- and, therefore, Azerbaijan needs Nabucco to deliver its gas to consumers," Azerbaijani news agencies reported him as saying during an energy session held January 30.
While Aliyev underlined Nabucco’s shortcomings -- lack of clarity about financing, transit tariffs, construction plans and a project deadline -- a recent landmark gas deal between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria has underlined Baku’s commitment to pushing into markets formerly seen as within Russia’s sphere of influence. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. Under the terms of a January 27 deal, signed at the Nabucco summit in Budapest, Azerbaijan will supply 1 billion cubic meters of gas per year to Bulgaria. The European Union member is currently totally dependent on gas from Russian energy giant Gazprom.
Azerbaijan’s supplies could start as early as the end of 2009, and will travel via the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum and Turkey-Greece pipelines. Bulgaria needs only to build a short branch line to join the system.
One Baku-based expert believes that a recent scandal over Russia’s alleged transfer of military hardware to Armenia has affected Aliyev’s position on both Nabucco and competition with Gazprom. While steadfastly denied by Moscow, the reports have prompted a widespread feeling that Azerbaijan has been duped by Moscow. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].
"I think we are witnessing a conceptual move in Azerbaijan’s foreign policy now," said Elhan Shahingolu of the Atlas Research Center. "For more than ten years, both Aliyevs [Ilham Aliyev and his father, the late president Heidar Aliyev] have tried to keep a strategic partnership with Moscow, and hope for Russia’s neutrality in the Karabakh conflict. However, it looks like Baku does not have such illusions anymore."
A former presidential aide agrees. After the 2008 war between Georgia and Russia, Baku showed itself ready to accept Moscow as an honest broker for the Karabakh conflict with Armenia, noted Vafa Guluzade. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].
"Many officials and pro-government analysts voiced pro-Moscow statements then," Guluzade said. After reports about Russia’s alleged arms transfer to Armenia, however, "[n]ow they have understood that Armenia was and will remain Russia’s only ally in the region," he said. [On January 30, the Azerbaijani parliament voted to send a delegation to Moscow to discuss the alleged arms transfer].
In Azerbaijan, public criticism of Russia has recently increased. At a February 3 news conference, pro-government parliamentarian Baba Taghiyev termed Russia an "insincere mediator" who is "not interested in the resolution of regional conflicts."
Although Azerbaijani officials are keen to show the Kremlin that they can’t be taken advantage of, Baku may find that the Nabucco project is not an effective tool that can be used to readjust any pro-Armenian bias in Moscow, said one energy expert.
"Azerbaijan . . . is not able to do much for Nabucco now because there is no pipeline, no tariffs and more questions than answers [concerning the project]," said Ilham Shaban. The project has a rough completion date of 2014, the same year that large-volume gas production at Shah Deniz is supposed to start.
Shaban believes that Baku will not push to speed up the pipeline project, but, instead, will concentrate on selling the gas it already has. Aliyev himself suggested this in Budapest, telling Hungarian television on January 27 that "it is too early to talk about Azerbaijan’s commitments" to Nabucco while financing and transit "issues are not solved." [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].
More resolute support from the European Union was also on the Azerbaijani leader’s wish list. With an apparent eye to the recent Russia-Ukraine gas dispute, Aliyev noted at the summit that Nabucco touches on "an issue of energy security that leads to general security and securing independence" from Gazprom.
Commented Zohrab Ismayilov, chairman of the Public Association for Assistance for a Free Economy: "We are witnessing a toughening of the geopolitical fight for gas."


Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 3 Issue: 38
February 24, 2006 12:00 AM Age: 5 yrs
Category: Eurasia Daily Monitor, The Caucasus, Azerbaijan
Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Baku this week to officially open the "Year of Russia in Azerbaijan" celebration. But it is safe to assume that it was not the issues of cultural exchange between the two former Soviet republics that dominated the agenda during the talks between Putin and his Azeri counterpart, Ilham Aliyev. At the center of the two leaders' discussions most likely were the looming crisis over Iran's nuclear program, the recent failure of the latest round of top-level talks on the Karabakh settlement, and last but not least, Azeri-Russian energy ties. The growing diversification of Caspian energy transportation routes is bound to dramatically affect the region's overall geostrategic equation.

Azerbaijan is a country famously blessed with hydrocarbon riches. But so far, Azerbaijanis have received most of their gas supplies from Russia and exported much of their oil through Russia's territory. This situation is going to change soon.

Azerbaijan's own Caspian Sea reserves provide 5 billion of the 12-14 billion cubic meters of its annual gas consumption, with the rest coming mainly from Russia. At the end of 2005, Russia's state-controlled energy monopoly Gazprom, pursuing what its managers called a "market-oriented policy," raised fuel prices for most Commonwealth of Independent States customers, including the clients in the South Caucasus. On December 21, 2005, Azerbaijan signed a new agreement for 2006 under which Gazexport, Gazprom's export arm, would supply 4.5 billion cubic meters of gas at the new tariff of $110 per 1,000 cubic meters. Afterwards, President Aliyev told journalists, "We simply had no other way out." But he added that the country was looking for alternative sources of gas, including Iran.

Indeed, one day before the new contract was signed with Gazprom, Aliyev met his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, at a ceremony to inaugurate a pipeline supplying Iranian gas to the Nakhichevan region -- an Azeri exclave separated from the rest of the country by Armenian territory. Iranian gas supplies to Nakhichevan are expected to leap from last year's 52 million cubic meters to 250 and eventually 500 million. Azerbaijan also intends to buy one billion cubic meters of Iranian gas in 2006, further reducing Baku's reliance on Russian gas.

But there are three Caspian energy transportation projects that Moscow eyes with particular wariness. The first is the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline with an annual capacity of 20 billion cubic meters. According to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the construction of this pipeline will be completed by the end of 2006. When the new pipeline does come on line, it will both satisfy Azeri domestic demand and export fuel from the Shah Deniz field in the Caspian to Turkey and beyond. "Starting from next year, Azerbaijan will stop buying Russian gas," Rasim Musabekov, a Baku-based political analyst, said in a recent interview with the website.

Second, January's "gas war" prompted by Gazprom's aggressive pricing policies appears to have revived interest in the currently frozen Trans-Caspian pipeline project that was strongly supported by the United States. The project's objective is to link Central Asia's vast gas reserves to the West while bypassing Russia. The plan was abandoned due to disagreements between the project's participants over the prices for Turkmen gas and quotas for Azerbaijan to use the pipeline's network. But now, with Brussels joining Washington in the determination to break Gazprom's monopoly on the deliveries of Central Asian fuel, the Caspian venture may finally get off the ground.

Remarkably, Russia's top energy official was quick to dismiss the Western-backed Trans-Caspian pipeline project as premature. Russian Industry and Energy Minister Viktor Khristenko, who accompanied Putin to Baku, said that the as-yet-unresolved issue of the division of the Caspian Sea between the littoral states would be a major stumbling bloc for the realization of the project. "Resolving the issue of a trans-Caspian system, including the construction of a pipeline, will be possible only after agreeing to a clear understanding of the status of the Caspian," Khristenko told reporters in Azerbaijani capital.

Finally, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is becoming operational this year. Talking to journalists in Baku, the Russian energy minister specifically noted that his country transported 4.1 million tons of Azeri crude through its Novorossiysk pipeline last year. But quite symptomatically, on the very day Putin arrived in Baku, Azerbaijan's Energy Minister Natig Aliyev announced that the first tanker filled with Azeri oil pumped through the BTC pipeline would sail from Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan at the end of May. According to Azerbaijan's top energy official, while the pipeline will primarily carry crude from the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field, it will also carry 500,000 barrels of oil a day from Kazakhstan's giant Kashagan oil field in the Caspian Sea. With the BTC coming on line, the volumes of Azeri oil transported via the northern route are likely to drop sharply.

These major shifts in the ways Caspian hydrocarbons are delivered to global markets significantly diminish Russia's leverage over Azerbaijan and consequently, increase the range of Baku's foreign policy options. No matter how good Azeri-Russian relations may be, argues the analyst Musabekov, "Azerbaijan will not sacrifice or ignore, just to please Moscow, the other, no less important, geopolitical vectors," – namely, relations with Europe, Turkey, and the United States.

I found this oh so interesting

EDITORIAL: Walmart to Russia — Drop Dead!

Walmart to Russia — Drop Dead!
We congratulate the executives at Walmart Inc. on their wisdom in deciding to reject the Russian market.  We encourage the very small number of other Western companies who are considering investment in Russia, or who are already there, to do likewise.  Western firms that do business in Russia are supporting the rise of a neo-Soviet state and therefore they are both undermining democracy in Russia, destroying the future of Russia’s children, and helping to create a dire new threat to the security of the West.  History will judge them harshly, and conscientious Western citizens should boycott any firm they know to be doing business in Russia in order to send a clear message that such support is intolerable.
That’s to say nothing, of course, of the appalling risks of doing business in the KGB state run by proud KGB spy Vladimir Putin.
Putin’s Russia is one of the most corrupt and dangerous on the planet. Murder is used as a tool of business and politics just as if the country were run by a mafia clan.  Bribery is rampant, and the government can seize any asset any time it likes, because there is no redress in court.  At any moment, any Western businessman could become the next William Browder, the next Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the next Sergei Magnitsky.  Or one could simply be caught up in the crazed race riots that are now sweeping the country after virulent Russian nationalism has been encouraged by the demonic figures who prowl the Kremlin.  Or burned up in a fire, killed on the shockingly dangerous roadways, or victimized by incompetent medical practice. The list of hazards is endless and appalling.
The executives at Walmart obviously understood all this.  Seeing the horrific experiences of IKEA, they have wisely decided not to subject their stockholders to the scorn and ridicule of freedom-loving people across the globe or to the outrageous risks presented by the Russian market.  We welcome their decision, and now consider ourselves proud Walmart shoppers.
Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Baku in January 2001 to demonstrate that Russia is still a major factor in the area. Putin mounted a political assault on the notion that Azerbaijan could or should link its future to the Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldova (GUUAM) group as a counterweight to Moscow. Putin stressed a broad range of economic benefits Russia could offer Azerbaijan and made it clear that Russian forces compelled to leave Georgia would redeploy to Armenia, having backed Armenia during the Azeri- Armenian war. Rather than risk heavy Russian pressure, the Aliyev government honored the Russian president. Putin won cooperation on energy rights in the Caspian region and pledged support to Azerbaijan's territorial integrity in settling Karabakh. Putin spoke of a solution to regional problems as a matter for negotiation and cooperation among the Caucasus Four—Russia, Azer-baijan, Armenia and Georgia. The Azeri press noted that he did not mention Iran or Turkey as Caucasian states.
The Azeri government seems to have tacked to a Russian line, in part, as a result of Russian hardball regional policies following military intervention in Chechnya. Only days before Putin's arrival in Baku, Moscow had cut off Georgia's supply of natural gas, plunging the country into the cold and dark. Russia had accused Georgia of allowing Chechnya to use its territory and had threatened to eliminate the Chechen presence forcefully, with or without Georgian cooperation. Aliyev's government has calculated that confronting Putin involves too much risk. Azerbaijan clearly needs Russian economic and technical assistance with its collapsing infrastructure.

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WikiLeaks: US Conducts ‘Constructive Talks’ with Sarkisian on Iran Arms Transfer

YEREVAN (A.W.)—A report by the U.S. ambassador to Armenia to the State Department filed in January 2009 noted that she had “positive and constructive” meetings with Armenia’s president and other officials on the issue of weapons transfer to Iran.
In the report, released by WikiLeaks on Dec. 6, Ambassador Yovanovitch writes, “Somewhat surprisingly, the President has reversed the mantra he has repeated for the last four months that the weapons transfer ‘did not happen and could not have happened.’ It’s not clear what has prompted this abrupt climb down, but it is probably some combination of solid evidence, a compelling presentation, an understanding of the consequences non-cooperation could bring, a desire to get off on the right foot with the new administration—and a Soviet-style calculation that they can sign the MOU, but probably won’t really have to implement it.”
An earlier cable dated December 2008 had cited the text of a letter from U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Negroponte to the Armenian government expressing concern about the reported sale of weapons to Iran, stating, “Notwithstanding the close relationship between our countries, neither the Administration nor the U.S. Congress can overlook this case.”  The letter went on to note that officials would discuss “whether there is a basis for the imposition of U.S. sanctions.”
According to the leaked files, “Between April 2006 and June 2008, Coalition forces in Iraq recovered multiple RPG-22 antitank weapons and PKM machine guns. These weapons bore Bulgarian factory markings and were tracked through a sales arrangement that took the weapons through Armenia to Iran.”
To read the complete January 2009 cable, click here.

WikiLeaks: US Conducts ‘Constructive Talks’ with Sarkisian on Iran Arms Transfer

YEREVAN (A.W.)—A report by the U.S. ambassador to Armenia to the State Department filed in January 2009 noted that she had “positive and constructive” meetings with Armenia’s president and other officials on the issue of weapons transfer to Iran.
In the report, released by WikiLeaks on Dec. 6, Ambassador Yovanovitch writes, “Somewhat surprisingly, the President has reversed the mantra he has repeated for the last four months that the weapons transfer ‘did not happen and could not have happened.’ It’s not clear what has prompted this abrupt climb down, but it is probably some combination of solid evidence, a compelling presentation, an understanding of the consequences non-cooperation could bring, a desire to get off on the right foot with the new administration—and a Soviet-style calculation that they can sign the MOU, but probably won’t really have to implement it.”
An earlier cable dated December 2008 had cited the text of a letter from U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Negroponte to the Armenian government expressing concern about the reported sale of weapons to Iran, stating, “Notwithstanding the close relationship between our countries, neither the Administration nor the U.S. Congress can overlook this case.”  The letter went on to note that officials would discuss “whether there is a basis for the imposition of U.S. sanctions.”
According to the leaked files, “Between April 2006 and June 2008, Coalition forces in Iraq recovered multiple RPG-22 antitank weapons and PKM machine guns. These weapons bore Bulgarian factory markings and were tracked through a sales arrangement that took the weapons through Armenia to Iran.”
To read the complete January 2009 cable, click here.

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Reference IDCreatedReleasedClassificationOrigin
09YEREVAN20 2009-01-14 15:03 2010-12-06 21:09 SECRET//NOFORN Embassy Yerevan


DE RUEHYE #0020/01 0141556
O 141556Z JAN 09

S E C R E T YEREVAN 000020 



EO 12958 DECL: 01/13/2019 

REF: A. 08 YEREVAN 1040  B. 08 YEREVAN 1051
Classified By: Amb. Marie L. Yovanovitch, reasons 1.4 (b,d)

¶1. (S/NF) The separate meetings on January 14 with NSS Chairman Hakobian and President Sargsian regarding the Iran export control issue were both positive and constructive. Sargsian acknowledged the weapons purchase from Bulgaria, and neither he nor the NSS Chairman challenged our information that these weapons were then transferred to Iran/Iraq. Both men indicated that there would be an investigation into how the weapons went from Armenia to Iran/Iraq. Hakobian seemed to indicate that the blame most probably lay with the Bulgarians and perhaps unauthorized Armenians acting on their own. Probably in an attempt to minimize U.S. demands, they also noted that there have been significant reforms and personnel changes since the incident. The President reiterated that cooperation with the U.S., including on security and export control, was an Armenian priority, and that the GOAM, with the NSS as the lead, would discuss the proposed Memorandum of Understanding with the expert team on January 15.

¶2. (S/NF) Somewhat surprisingly, the President has reversed the mantra he has repeated for the last four months that the weapons transfer “did not happen and could not have happened.” It,s not clear what has prompted this abrupt climb down, but it is probably some combination of solid evidence, a compelling presentation, an understanding of the consequences non- cooperation could bring, a desire to get off on the right foot with the new administration -- and a Soviet-style calculation that they can sign the MOU, but probably won,t really have to implement it. While there will no doubt be hard questions during the meeting on the MOU and actual implementation will pose even greater challenges, we are -- unexpectedly -- in the best place we could be going into discussions on the MOU. END SUMMARY AND COMMENT.

--------------------------------------------- ----------- 
¶3. (S/NF) Ambassador Mahley and his delegation met with NSS Chairman Hakobian on January 14 to discuss Armenia,s role in an arms transfer to Iran, from which point they were later transferred onward to insurgents in Iraq. NSS Chairman Hakobian indicated that Armenia was ready to cooperate on this case and to have a dialogue with the U.S. Hakobian emphasized throughout the meeting that Armenia has undergone significant changes over the last several years and there are new people in the government since 2003, when this transfer occurred. Hakobian also highlighted that two Deputy Defense Ministers had been fired since the transfer happened. Mahley thanked Hakobian for his remarks and said he was here to discuss a tough issue, which reflected the good relationship between the U.S. and Armenia and that this type of discussion that friends have. Hakobian reiterated that Armenia values that relationship.

¶4. (S) Mahley, drawing from the points in paragraph 18, laid out the U.S. evidence for our assertion that Armenia facilitated Iran,s acquisition of RPG-22s and PKM machine guns, which have been recovered in arms caches of Iranian- sponsored insurgent groups in Iraq. This exchange, which was promised by Sectary Rice, included reviewing the documentary evidence. During the course of our investigation the markings on the weapons indicated that they originated in Bulgaria, and we were able to subsequently determine the lot numbers on the RPG-22s corresponded with the production of 1000 items, all of which were shipped to Armenia along with the PKM machine guns. In addition, we shared with Hakobian that in early January 2003, the Bulgarian firm XXXXXXXXXXXX and the Armenian Ministry of Defense concluded a deal to purchase the RPG-22s and the PKM machine guns; the Armenian XXXXXXXXXXXX served as an intermediary in the transaction. INR analyst Stewart Eales then reviewed the documentary evidence that we had to support this conclusion. First, as part of this deal an end-user certificate from Armenia was signed by then- Defense Minister Sargsian. Hakobian acknowledged that the signature was that of Sargsian. In response to the presentation of the invoice for the transfer, Hakobian asked who from Armenia signed the document. Mahley said that we did not have that information. Eales then explained that the
financial document showed that the money for the deal came from an Iranian front company through an Armenian bank to Bulgaria.

¶5. (S/NF) Hakobian made clear that the information was “clear” and “without doubt.” He assured Mahley that he would launch an investigation and that the GOAM needed as much information as possible so that it could find the individuals responsible for the transfer. In response to the financial documents, Hakobian responded “so Bulgaria sold these items to Armenia knowing they were going to Iran?” Mahley and Eales explained that the Bulgarians were not aware of the involvement of an Iranian in the transaction.

¶6. (S/NF) Hakobian was also very concerned with how the goods were transferred to Armenia. In reviewing the invoice, he noted that the goods were to be flown to Yerevan airport and therefore there must be some documentation about this flight. Hakobian asked if the U.S. knew whether all of the goods were provided to Iran. He stated outright that he thought it was possible that the weapons were delivered to Armenia, but some of them were subsequently diverted in a scheme to make money. Hakobian said he needed to understand what was reported to the Ministry of Defense. He was particularly interested in raising an issue about whether the entire shipment went to Iran, or whether officials skimmed off part of the cargo. He noted that Armenia has done a lot of work since 1991 to prevent Iran from turning Armenia into a conduit for Russian arms transfers to Iran.

¶7. (S/NF) Mahley responded that it was the U.S. assessment that the documents clearly show a deal between the Armenian entity XXXXXXXXXXXX and Iran. There is no indication that the Bulgarian entities were aware of Iranian involvement; it is our assessment that this deal was done to hide the Iranian involvement from Bulgarian and any other non-Armenian sources. With regard to the issue of whether any of the goods were kept in Armenia, it was the U.S. assessment that the payment process showed the Iranian entity paid for the entire amount being acquired and that it knew the quantities it was paying to acquire. We have no shipping documentation from Armenia to Iran.

¶8. (S/NF) Leaving aside Armenia,s intention to investigate, Mahley reviewed with Hakobian what the goals of the U.S. were for this situation. First, the transfer is impossible to reverse. Therefore, it is critical for the U.S. to have full confidence that GOAM cannot let this happen again. Second, this incident triggered two U.S. laws that could result in sanctions. Mahley emphasized that Armenian cooperation in this matter would be an important factor in our decision whether to waive sanctions.

¶9. (S/NF) After the presentation of the additional information on this case, Hakobian appeared to understand the consequences of this activity and there is potential for significant damage to Armenia. He said Armenia has a lot of problems and there is no desire to create more problems. Hakobian committed to use all available resources of the GOAM to fully investigate this transfer and share an official report with the USG.

¶10. (S/NF) Later in the afternoon, President Sargsian received Ambassador Mahley. Sargsian opened the meeting by noting that building relations with the United States is of vital interest to Armenia and that security is an important component in the overall bilateral relationship. He said that he, personally, was proud of his contributions in this respect and recalled that he had signed the Cooperative Threat Reduction Agreement with DOD. Sargsian indicated that he had been briefed by the NSS on Mahley’s earlier meeting and invited Ambassador Mahley to begin. 

¶11. (S/NF) Mahley noted the earlier constructive meeting with the NSS and said that he would like to brief the President directly on the export control case and how it came about. Following Mahley’s abbreviated presentation, the President stated there was such a contract with the Bulgarians and that he had signed the end user certificate in his capacity as Minister of Defense. He listened intently as Ambassador Mahley passed the three documents (invoice, end user document, and financial transaction statement) and nodded as he reviewed the documents.

¶12. (S/NF) Ambassador Mahley clarified that the information we were sharing was obtained by the USG using its own sources and methods. Earlier Chairman Hakobian had asked whether he could approach the Bulgarians; if he did so, it was possible that the Bulgarians would be unaware of the case, Mahley indicated.

¶13. (S/NF) Ambassador Mahley stated that the reason the team of experts is in Armenia is that the Administration wants to move forward to find a constructive resolution to the issue, and he was sure that the next Administration would be interested in doing so as well. Ambassador Mahley reviewed why the transaction was of such concern to the U.S. and stated that U.S. law requires us to sanction the entities of a country that facilitated such a transfer. While sanctions are mandatory, the President has the ability to waive sanctions on national security grounds. If Armenia makes the necessary changes to strengthen its export control system, there might no longer be a need to impose sanctions.

This was what Deputy Secretary Negroponte conveyed in his letter to Sargsian.
¶14. (S/NF) Mahley indicated that he was ready to discuss with the GOAM a proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with GOAM experts, which the U.S. believes would allow a constructive way forward for the two countries. Many of the items Armenia has already accomplished, he stated. There are additional items that the MOU covers, including process and transparency, that still need to be implemented in the export control regime and that the MOU would cover. The USG sees the signing of an MOU “even without the particular export control case that triggered this discussion” to be a constructive step in the bilateral relationship, Mahley concluded.

¶15. (S/NF) Mahley shared that he had briefed Congress and that there was considerable interest in the case since the weapons had led to the death and injury of U.S. servicemembers in Iraq. Mahley added that the USG understands the sensitivity of this case and so worked hard to ensure that all the facts provided the GOAM were correct and in order; this took some time which delayed the briefing for the President.

¶16. (S/NF) President Sargsian responded that he had understood two things from previous conversations on this subject: 1) information-sharing would precede any prescriptive measures that the U.S. would suggest, but perhaps he had misunderstood this; and 2) the weapons in question were missiles or rockets -- not RPGs. He stated that the information about the contract with Bulgaria is correct and the GOAM needs to explore further how the weapons got to Iran or Iraq. “We know that we got the weapons. We will figure out how they were transferred and we will let you know,” the President assured Mahley.

¶17. (S/NF) President Sargsian said the GOAM wants to cooperate with the U.S. on export control and will examine the MOU. He said he had certain questions, and the NSS would take the lead in working with Ambassador Mahley and the experts group the following day. The President concluded that the GOAM did not have and had no interest in cooperating with Iran on weapons sales.

¶18. (S/REL ARMENIA) -- Between April 2006 and June 2008, Coalition forces in Iraq
recovered multiple RPG-22 antitank weapons and PKM machine guns.
-- These weapons bore Bulgarian factory markings and were tracked through a sales arrangement that took the weapons through Armenia to Iran.
-- We have information that in early January 2003 the Bulgarian firm XXXXXXXXXXXX and the Armenian Ministry of Defense (MOD) completed a weapons sale that included these weapons recovered by Coalition forces in Iraq. The Armenian company XXXXXXXXXXXX served as intermediary for the deal. XXXXXXXXXXXX-- According to the end-user certificate and sales invoice, the deal included 1000 RPG-22s produced by the Bulgarian firm XXXXXXXXXXXX and 260 PKM machine guns produced by the Bulgarian firm XXXXXXXXXXXX. We have obtained documentation that includes production lot numbers for the RPG-22Ms and the serial numbers for the PKM machine guns sold to Armenia. The XXXXXXXXXXXX invoice was signed by XXXXXXXXXXXX. The end-user certificate was signed by former Armenian Minister of Defense (now President) Serzh Sargsian, which offered the Government of Armenia,s assurance that the weapons would remain within the possession of the Armenian Government.
-- Financial records for the RPG-22 and PKM sale identify the
ordering customer as XXXXXXXXXXXX, someone known by the U.S. to be associated with Iranian arms acquisitions.
-- An RPG-22 attack on a US armored vehicle in Iraq on January 31, 2008 killed one US soldier and wounded three. Factory markings on the recovered RPG-22 rocket debris indicate it was originally part of the shipment to Armenia by the Bulgarian firm XXXXXXXXXXXX.
-- US military personnel discovered an arms cache in Baghdad on February 15, 2008 that belonged to Hizballah Brigades -- an Iranian-backed Iraqi militant group. Among the weapons recovered, most of which were Iranian in origin, were six Bulgarian RPG-22 anti-tank weapons. The production lot and serial numbers on all six indicated they were produced by the
Bulgarian firm XXXXXXXXXXXX and part of the sale to Armenia in January
¶2003. -- Two RPG-22 launch tubes were recovered following an attack
that wounded three US military personnel in Baghdad in mid- March 2008. The lot and serial numbers on the recovered tubes matched those originally sold to Armenia in January. Handwritten on both launchers was the Arabic message “Rejoice
- Islamic Resistance of Iraq - Hizballah Brigades” -- the name of the same Iranian-backed Iraqi militant group. 

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When I was working at META Services there was a class with the name OZ in it.  I have heard over the years that "Wizard of OZ" is associated with some evil stuffs, when I actually showed up for the class, it was shut down the next meeting and my Director left META.  At the time I was charging her thru EEOC that she had sexually harassed me at a Christmas party by putting her head in my lap in front of several witnesses .

Diplomat, Pop Star Urge Azerbaijani Children "Let's Read" at Puppet Theater (Nov. 15, 2010)

Two men reading to children.
Adam Sterling and Faiq Agayev read to children.
An American diplomat teamed with a national pop star to urge Azerbaijani children to read during a book presentation held today at the Puppet Theater.
Marking the first day of International Education Week, U.S. Embassy Charge d'affaires Adam Sterling and Xalq Artisti Faiq Agayev read from the Embassy's translation of the American literature classic, The Wizard of Oz, to a group of 150 children.  "Reading is fundamental to education, and we hope this project will encourage more Azerbaijani children to read every day," said Sterling.
The event was hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism's Puppet Theater.  Save the Children, the international NGO that runs a broad range of education, health and humanitarian programs in Azerbaijan on behalf of children, collaborated with the Embassy by bringing students from partner internats and orphanages in Absheron.
Alumni from the U.S.-Embassy sponsored FLEX high school exchange program also collaborated, and these U.S.-educated students will continue working with Save the Children to enrich reading and education programs at some of the internats and orphanages.
The Wizard of Oz is the first of five American children's literature titles the Embassy is publishing in the Azerbaijani language.
The Embassy chose to launch the book Nov. 15 to highlight International Education Week Nov. 15-19.  During this week NGOs and governments around the world draw attention to the importance of education for the development of societies.
The Truth about Rainbows, page 1
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ATS Members have flagged this thread 4 timesTopic started on 14-7-2008 @ 07:17 PM by Privy_Princess
I know you all have spent most (if not all) of your life thinking that rainbows are harmless. In films and literature, there is usually a very vibrant, awe-inspiring rainbow in the sky immediately following something traumatic. Well, I'm here to tell you that you have been programmed to believe that rainbows are harmless things. And they basically are. But the SYMBOLISM of rainbows in magic (often used by 33rd and above Degree Masons) is very real and powerful. Let me explain:
The Rainbow, also known as the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge, and it's corresponding 7 colors have long held occult significance as a very spiritual, hypnotic device.
The Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry has used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine. In a book teaching Druidism (as in Illuminati Druidism), the Rainbow is described as “A true sign of exists in both worlds at once!”
In "The Wizard of OZ" (the novel and subsequent film of the same name which was used as mind control fodder for victims of MK Ultra in the 30's), Elvira Gulch is a woman who owns 1/2 of the county where Dorothy lives in Kansas. She is shown later in the Land of Oz transformed as a witch. Many of the Illuminati elite are rich and lead double lives. People who meet them at a ritual will see the dark side of these rich people. At the rituals, people are tranced from drugs, chanting, and mind control; they are “over the rainbow.”
If you have any more references feel free to add.
Info and more interesting occultic symbolisms


Actors, Tony Curtis, Rock Hudson, Hugh O'Brian, Scott Brady and an unidentified man are pictured at the notorious bathhouse (Finlandia Baths).
In the early 1950's, California based Sam Amundsen opened Finlandia baths. A Finnish bathhouse for straight and gay men.
It was located in the basement of the Bing Crosby Building in Hollywood. In more ways than one, it soon became the hottest address in Los Angeles county.
Any gay man could drop into the baths, take some steam, cool off under a shower, enjoy a luncheon spread and see the hunks of Hollywood in various states of undress. It was a voyeur's paradise. Among many others, Rock Hudson was one of the bath's regular devotees and he didn't mind exhibiting himself in front of adoring fans. Hudson often received a massage from Finlandia's ace masseur (Richard). One night, Richard relieved Hudson's stress prior to a hot date with Sal Mineo. Rock later confessed that the massages aroused him, he added: "I can't help myself, call it ever ready!"
All the male patrons lusted after pretty boy Tony Curtis who lost his virginity in a Panama City whorehouse when he was 17.
Tab Hunter and Anthony Perkins were also regulars. One evening, a Hollywood star was stood up by Tab Hunter who decided to attend a gay party-instead. The party was located in Walnut Park, a suburb of Los Angeles. The party was raided. In those days, the police broke up all male gatherings in private homes.
The Finlandia Baths attracted some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Gays, straights and bisexuals mingled freely and unselfconsciously in this steamy atmosphere.
Actor Hugh O'Brian (pictured above-far left) allegedly dated a few black women discreetly-during his heyday. This was brought to the public's attention when a black model fell and injured herself, trying to get away from him-allegedly. O'Brian was also linked to Confidential editor Nancy Bacon. Hugh O'Brian married for the first time at 85 years old.
Source: "Hollywood Babylon Strikes Back!" by: Darwin Porter & Danforth Prince
The rule of thumb that the programmers/handlers go by is that they will say anything to get the job done. A CIA handler will tell his agent in the field whatever will work to get the field agent’s cooperation on a mission. There is no height nor b nor length to these people’s deception. They have successfully kept some deceptions active for decades, if not for centuries.