Tuesday, November 30, 2010


CIA implanted electrodes in brains of unsuspecting soldiers, suit alleges

By David Edwards
Monday, November 29th, 2010 -- 12:02 pm
CIA seal b CIA implanted electrodes in brains of unsuspecting soldiers, suit alleges
A group of military veterans are suing to get the CIA to come clean about allegedly implanting remote control devices in their brains.
It's well known that the CIA began testing substances like LSD on soldiers beginning in the 1950s but less is known about allegations that the agency implanted electrodes in subjects.
A 2009 lawsuit (.pdf) claimed that the CIA intended to design and test septal electrodes that would enable them to control human behavior. The lawsuit said that because the government never disclosed the risks, the subjects were not able to give informed consent.
Bruce Price, one plaintiff in the lawsuit, believes that MRI scans confirm that the CIA placed a device in his brain in 1966.
At one point, Bruce was ordered to visit a building with a chain link fence that housed test animals, including dogs, cats, guinea pigs and monkeys. After reporting, Bruce was strapped across his chest, his wrists, and his ankles to a gurney. Bruce occasionally would regain consciousness for brief moments. On one such instance, he remembers being covered with a great deal of blood, and assumed it was his own, but did not really know the source. Also portions of his arms and the backs of his hand were blue. His wrist and ankles were bruised and sore at the points where he had been strapped to the gurney. Bruce believes that this is the time period during which a septal implant was placed in his brain.

DEFENDANTS placed some sort of an implant in Bruce’s right ethmoid sinus near the frontal lobe of his brain. The implant appears on CT scans as a “foreign body” of undetermined composition (perhaps plastic or some composite material) in Bruce’s right ethmoid, as confirmed in a radiology report dated June 30, 2004.
According to a 1979 book by former State Department intelligence officer John Marks, The CIA and the Search for the Manchurian Candidate, an internal 1961 memo by a top agency scientist reported that "the feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated... Special investigations and evaluations will be conducted toward the application of selected elements of these techniques to man."
"The CIA pursued such experiments because it was convinced the Soviets were doing the same," The Washington Post's Jeff Stein noted.
In mid-November, U.S. Magistrate Judge James Larson ruled that the CIA must produce records and testimony regarding the experiments conducted on thousands of soldiers from 1950 through 1975.
"The CIA has already claimed that some documents are protected under the state-secrets privilege, but Larson said the agency needs to be more specific," Courthouse News Service reported.
The CIA insisted discovery was unwarranted in its case, because it never funded or conducted drug research on military personnel.
Larson wasn't convinced.
"[T]his court rejects the conclusion that the CIA necessarily lacks a nexus to Plaintiffs' claims, and orders the CIA to respond in earnest" to the veterans' requests, "particularly because defendants have presented evidence that would appear to cast doubt on that conclusion," he wrote.
But Larson ruled that the CIA did not have to produce records about devices implanted in some of the subjects.
Gordon P. Erspamer, lead attorney for the veterans, told The Washington Post that he is still pursuing the CIA for implanting devices in his clients' brains.
"There is no question that these experiments were done but defendants say that they used private researchers and test subjects drawn from prisons, hospitals and nursing homes as subjects, not active duty military [personnel]," Erspamer said. "CIA said it had no one knowledgeable on this topic."
Erspamer noted that papers filed in the case describe "electrical devices implanted in brain tissue with electrodes in various regions, including the hippocampus, the hypothalamus, the frontal lobe (via the septum), the cortex and various other places."
"A lot of this work was done out of Tulane University using a local state hospital and funding from a cut-out (front) organization called the Commonwealth Fund," he said.
"We tried to get docs from Tulane, but they told us that they were destroyed in the hurricane flooding."

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  • The_LaughingMan Today 11:15 AM
    I really wish they would dismantle this agency and bring these ..... Creatures (humans wouldn't do this to other humans) to justice. But then again the last person that came even close to doing that was shot in the head in Dallas....
  • If this was possible in 1966 wtf do they have now?
  • Maybe we'll find out in another 50 years.
  • Microwave technology.
  • This could also provide an explanation to some of the MILAB and Alien Abduction experiencer cases that have reported receiving nasal/septal implants. Many have claimed that these implants are monitoring devices and behaviour modification. The CIA/KGB and possibly UK intelligence forces have been studying the use of mind control and remote viewing for years. The Men Who Stare At Goats was based on the MK-ULTRA program.
  • P u r i t y O f E s s e n c e

    Maynard they're messing with
    our precious bodily fluids!


  • dennycrane Today 06:25 AM
    First of all, you have to have a brain.
  • freedumb Today 05:11 AM
    This film explains the origin,purpose and execution:
  • Implanted electrodes are NOTHING compared to the massive mind control the government created called TELEVISION. Joe and Jane Six Pack sits hypnotized in front of the tube that tells him how and what to think, how to live, and who to hate and love.

    The TUBE has created millions of Manchurian Candidates; we found the enemy, the enemy is us!
  • And now we know who and how a teabagger was created. Let me quote a similar teabagger "I'll swallow your soul, I'll swallow your soul!
  • HA! Just as fluoride is put in water to prevent dental cavities, we'll soon find government mandating Prozac in our water to prevent mental cavities.
  • Right, most people don't want to know anything about it which is exactly why those responsible do it with impunity and continue to get away with it.
  • Jason Bourne, I presume.
  • Like Americans really care about the soldiers and after Wikileaks the US is now seen for the country we have become. Americans could careless when blacks were injected with syphilis just to watch them die and Agent Orange that is still causing death to Vietnamees and former soldiers. While we hear all the horror done in other countries and we call ourselves better then others now the world see the US for who we really are. Time to clean our own house before telling others what to do.
  • overdoneputaforkinit Yesterday 06:50 PM
    Your willful refusal to give consent is considered resistance to treatment.

    By not cooperating and consenting to treatment, you are in denial of the problem, which is proof that you need treatment. We therefore have an ethical obligation to treat you against your wishes.

    In the future, we will cease to ask for your consent as we expect that you will use it as an opportunity to resist treatment.
  • I have had several electrodes implanted in my brain by the CIA and I feel terrific!

    Let's stop all the whining about implants. Everybody's doing it.

    I'm going to have my cortical genes altered in May by Monsanto and I expect I won't have time to waste on these silly forums after that.
  • RAW please spare us your spam and stories.
  • Who to say they didn't develop the techniques to produce Sirhan Sirhans and Hinckleys and Chapmans and Squaeky Frommes. The unjibomber was experimented on too... and who know what they did to the Vietnam anit-war movements or in intorducing lsd to the youth culture perhaps deliveratedly... Secret organaixation such as this negate any pretense od democracy and only presage increased police state with the Homeland Security setting up in every community and leaidn to gthe bananahood for which they stand...
  • "There is no question that these experiments were done but defendants say that they used private researchers and test subjects drawn from prisons, hospitals and nursing homes as subjects, not active duty military [personnel]," Erspamer said. "CIA said it had no one knowledgeable on this topic."

    That's pretty horrifying and nothing new actually. These are historically disposable segments of the population. Old people (with dementia no doubt) and the mentally impaired in hospitals; the perfect test subjects for just about anything because no one would believe anything they said anyway. The CIA was using mentally impaired children in experiments with LSD and electro-shock in the late 50's.

    Its also interesting but not surprising that theses experiments were done for CIA by Tulane University, in Louisiana. I'd like to see a list of those hospitals and nursing homes. What are the odds that the research pool was heavily minority?

    The CIA is collectively a monster, and if these experiments (or just about any of the experiments historically laid at their doorstep) had been performed on prisoners of war, the doctors and their bureau architects would have been hanged for war crimes.
  • A survey I performed several weeks ago shows a clear link between military experimentation and allegedly "mentally ill" targeted individuals' complaints.


    34% of targeted individuals have a father in the military.

    As for the claims that targeted individuals are mentally ill, the tactics used against them are specifically designed to trick them into reporting the symptoms of mental illness:


    But they know they're not mentally ill, because, for one thing, they test negative for schizophrenia, failing to see through illusions like this one.

  • There is not much the CIA does that can be doubted. And of course they are there to protect America. And absolutely nothing is a surprise. The way things are now, this suit will go nowhere. Whenever a suit regarding illegal activities of our government comes up, they declare everything is a state secret and throw the suit out. This will go the way of the suits for illegal interrogations etc. That blanket of state secrets will cover everything.

    Does anyone still believe in the NEW transparency of government? Whatever small items of transparency the White House puts on it's web site, the big and illegal stuff gets covered up the same as always. The only thing transparent about this administration is it's lack of the same. This is one corrupt country.

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